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Posts posted by scorpihun

  1. What a load of old crap this is, typical of the way the tiny Thai mind works. Never mind the poor old farang either, the people bringing millions into the country by way of tourism, they can get bitten all they like. The Thai skin is less attractive to the mosquito anyway, has anybody told them that ?

    Why dont they put their energy into ridding the country of mosquito's, clean up the place to stop them breeding. Wipe out the cockroach poulation at the same time would be a good idea. No, that is beyond their comprehension, lets tell the girls to cover up and stop them looking attractive to the foreigner. Is this the real reason behind this ?

  2. my wife just got stopped by one of these checkpoints, had ID, license, wearing helmet, not speeding, but the SOB took the ley to her bike and told her that she had to give him 200b to get it back. She had her son and mother with her. Her son just got out of the hospital after being bit in the leg by a Cobra and they were returning from a checkup. So the police let them sit at the side of the road in the hot sun while they tried to decide amongst themselves what to do. Finally they let her go after she gave them 100b. She called me and ranted for a good 10 min "F*** POLICE!"

    They probably fancied her, I would too if that is her in the picture

  3. Good riddance to Ken Bigley, a man who will be remembered for bleating on tv to another fool in the shape of Tony Blair.

    Bigley knew the risks, but he wanted the big bucks for his gold digging Thai wife and frequent bar girls.

    Tony Blair is the real enemy in all this, a sad old donkey that took a country to war over nothing. No weapons of mass destruction have been found, there was no 45 minute retaliation threat, yet this plonker has spent billions of our pounds showing the world what a big man he is.

    Countless other families, apart from the Bigleys, are left bereaved over what can only be described as self indulgent folly. Our troops were sent there without proper equipment and guidance to fulfill our brave leaders misguided dream of world appreciation.

    Now the plonker is considering sending more money and troops to Africa in a bid to rekindle his ever decreasing popularity.

    As an expat you have the right to register a vote in a general election, use it wisely and remove the real killer of Ken Bigley.

  4. How do they expect everyone to hear about this new change, not every expat in Thailand will be aware of this new rule and will probably fall foul of it.

    That is for as long as they want to enforce it, which will probably not be long going on past experiences.

    They must sit for hours taxing their tiny minds on how to extort an extra baht from the poor expat.

    Why dont they get in touch with all the Thais that have left Thailand, ask them how they get treated in their new country.

    Almost all of them will say better than you are treating the poor farang over there, we can do almost anything, and definitely much more than the expat can do in Thailand, and it costs us nowt either, and we can live without the fear you impose on visitors to Thailand.

  5. All you none Thai people pontificating on Thai matters and things that just do not concern you, make me sick. Always the same people writing the same s**t each and every day, like you are world experts on Thailand or something.

    What gives you the right to write such drivel on matters Thai when the only reason you are over there is because you couldn't hack it back home. Either that or you are 1) chasing Thai women from one bar to another, 2) a criminal on the run from home police or doing crime in Thailand.

    You are nothing but visitors there, you have no rights or say in anything Thai, except your tiny minds that is. They could have you out tomorrow.

    I know, I have been there, seen it all, read the books and seen the films as well as getting the T shirt.

    I once knew a guy just like you lot, he ate, drank, spoke and slept Thai all day and night, got into deep s**t over there and was forced to come home. Once here he continued to spout off to anyone who would give him the time on just what a big man he had been over in Thailand. Now he resides at her Majesty's pleasure because he couldn't get his head together.

    I wish you lot could join him.

  6. The plonker got what he deserved, he is from my neck of the woods and so I have a little more background info on him, he and his family are complete plonkers.

    However we all know that he will only do a short time ( no jokes please ) before he gets either a royal pardon or a transfer back home to blighty. Here he will be all over the tv and paper and become an instant celebrity, we may even see him with Ant and Dec, down in the jungle on that dreadful tv show with other celebrity no marks.

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