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Everything posted by jimrod

  1. A quick update. The 'putting the adhesive on the wall' was a total curve ball. As for the latex, I should have gone with my gut on this one. You basically dilute it until you are happy with the consistency. My advice here would be, to keep diluting until it's dripping off the brush. Easy peazy, lemon squeezy as they say. The advice on painting, which wasn't asked for, fell completely on deaf ears. If it floats your boat, I'm happy for you. The advice on the process was welcomed albeit not required. Probably using the word guidance had people thinking I was a novice. Albeit more as a hobby, I've been wallpapering for more years than I care to remember.
  2. The decision is made, Stephen. To be honest, I've never seen paint looking better. It's a personal preference, I guess.
  3. I've already bought the latex, but this 'ready to use' one might have the latex banished to the cupboard. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for this mate. I've done loads of wallpapering, but it's good to get responses like this. My concerns are about how quickly it may dry too.
  5. It should sound like, I've never done it with latex before. That's all.
  6. I'm not asking for advice on whether it should be painted or not. I'm not looking to hire someone. I've always done my own decorating but with the more traditional solvite. If I had it, I wouldn't have started this thread. Using latex is new to me, I'll get there, but I thought maybe pop in here and get some views.
  7. I'll be using TOA latex adhesive for wallpapering and I just wanted some guidance. Firstly, is there a recommended split of adhesive and water for the right consistency? Secondly, I was thrown a curved ball by someone saying I should paste the wall, not the paper. Is that good advice? Is it optional, as I'd rather do it old school? TIA
  8. Serial killer? Did she put it in their corn flakes?
  9. Do you have stats to back that up? ‘Almost always’ is in excess of 90%. That doesn’t sound like an ‘opinion’ to me. As for bringing a lot of cash, most retired people who have shared there finances with me have a monthly income. Clearly people can and will speculate. Mistaken identity, as already mentioned, a drug crazed lunatic or even a callus lunatic. I’m just glad you’re not investigating this case.
  10. They are okay to get their kit off and go live for all to see, but start hiding their faces when the cops show up. I think it was a fingering point.
  11. I'm sure this is somewhere, but I don't know where to find it, and I'm a bit of a rush. I live here and I have a work permit. I may have to fly as early as tomorrow (I believe I can get my re-entry at the airport.) I'll be away for about two weeks, is there anything else I need before leaving?
  12. Just to clarify as I don't know if it's possible to edit my opening post, I'm in Pattaya.
  13. I originally put this in the Pattaya forum, but it was moved. Yes, I'm in Pattaya. I'd rather hop in a car and get off at the destination, but thanks for the alternative advice.
  14. Not sure if this is the right home for this. Are there any groups going to this tomorrow? Any individuals with a car looking to reduce the costs? Anyone looking to share a Bolt (about, 1800bt)?
  15. It's a tad unfair to 'guilt trip' people for being light-hearted. We could probably find a heartbreaking story for every topic posted here or on forums in general. Let's remember, the people posting here are not the guilty ones.
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