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Posts posted by macka

  1. Dr Bunnakij has local surgery on keow narrawat road 200 m East of bridge and has Sunday time 10 - 11.30 as well

    I've just had kidney surgery associated with stones follow up soon with shock wave treatment to break up stones.

    Also specialist for erectile dysfunction

    Highly recommended in CM

    Ps had spinal injection, anesthetist very helpful. awake for op, dr bunnakij talked me through camera view on tv and X-ray pics

    No feeling in legs for 2 hours then movement started and some pain but a lot less than when had laser tripsy in Perth .

    I've had many years kidney stones and just found out about citrates and oxalate excretion

    Was told about lime and lemon juice to be a benafit but did not do follow up study.

    Strange,had an Aunty in Chiang Rai who after first stone in Thailand, took my bottle of coke away and made me drink my whiskey with soda and lime! I now realise Soft drinks very bad and lime is very good for me" thanks Aunty

    Google kidney stone treatment citrate

  2. My brother jumped on a train at the station going to CM.but he was early and another train going to Singapore was in the slot .found he was on the wrong train when some one got on with the same seat# but different train. they stopped the train to let him off in the Middle of nowhere, saw a taxi at a road stall and not speaking any Thai showed the taxi driver his ticket. The driver looked at his watch, mai pen rai.

    Loaded bros bags into the boot and front seat and shot off for bang sue? Station to meet the train. The driver jumped out to check if train had passed and bro grabbed his bags from boot and with his young daughter was shown where to stand to get the correct carriage .

    He left his daughter to look after the bags, went to bleed the dragon, returned to find daughter wandered of to get a drink. Missing 1 bag was a bit pi#%ed jumped on train found correct seat and relaxed. 1 hour later conductor came looked at him checked the seat # and tickets " what wrong seats/train again?"and went to talk to other conductor who walked up and speaking good English asked if bro had lost a bag?

    Said he could jump of go back and pick up or they would send next train.

    I took him to pick up the missing bag, the next day and found out the taxi driver had gone to a food stall to have his lunch and when he returned to taxi found the bag.

    He contacted station master who contacted train and remembers bros seat #

    He not leave his name just good deed!

    The bag contained amount other stuff 6L Wild Turkey,and his daughters new bathing suit.

    The start to an epic MHS loop with his daughter sitting in front on a KLX

  3. Hi cobber sounds like you are onto the problems with the present school.I suffered from comprehesion at school. Was good at maths and spelling in primary but that changed in high school where questions were written. Ended up doing a course like reading a story and answering questions,explaining the story,speed reading. It helped but some people can learn by reading, or being shown, or doin. Find out your sons strengths and you might figure it out. Your son is lucky you found out now Good luck
  4. As most of the readers of this forum know, I am a fanatic sports man, (biking, Bowling etc. etc.)

    So now that we introduced Biking and Bowling in Chiang Rai i think that my team and i are ready for a new challenge.

    Yes dear forum reader, we will paddle the Kayak, we start in Chiang Rai in the Nam Mae Kok, wich will bring us to Chiang Sean, were we float into the Nam Mae Khong, also know as Mekong, from were we will float to Chiang Khong.

    This trip is going to take two to tree days, so bring clean underwaer.

    (Anybody know were to buy or rent the so called SEAKAYAK, this is a kayak were you sit on, instead of in.) :o

    i want to do same, also tha ton to chaingrai and mae nam loa from mae saui ( on road to chaing mai) to mae nam kok below dam so try these.

    you can hire sit on 2 or three man kayak's at lek house guest house in chaing rai sbout 500b day.

    i did long tail to tha ton and you can hire sit in 1 or 2 man kayak on south side of jetty .

    also was told you can buy kayak's in chaing mai on road to bus station in a small sports shop or camping shop,ilooked but could not find.

    feel free kayak's.com sell thai kayaks.

    good traveling . :D

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