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Posts posted by Patrocks

  1. 3 hours ago, Kurtf said:

    Stop panicking about the Corona virus. The Flu virus is 10 to 20 times more prevalent and much more deadly. when it comes to the Corona virus you have nothing to fear except FEAR itself. Speaking of that did you know that FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Once any of the evidence is proved false the fear goes away.

    Nonsense. Whilst it is true that the "common" flu is more prevalent, it has been around forever and has dispersed world wide, it is a mistake to say it is more deadly.


    The mortality rate of Corona is 2 to 3%. Regular flu is 0.1%.


    Yup, more people are currently dying from regular flu but that is simply because the chances are much higher you will catch that than Corona. The reason for the concern is to prevent the Corona spreading. It appears as contagious as flu but 20 times more likely to kill you so if it spreads then it becomes a problem. Fortunately we don't catch flu that often.


    Your logic that flu is more deadly is just abusing statistics. A mosquito is more deadly than a cobra but I would rather get bitten by a mosquito.

    • Like 1
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  2. Hi,


    I am passing through Bangkok this weekend and have been tasked with two things by my 11yr old son. One is to eat a deep fried bug and the other is to get a Coca Cola (in Thai script) T-shirt just like the one his dad bought in Bangkok 15 years ago.


    Can anyone suggest where I can get the t shirt? I guess I bought mine from the Khoa San road area but as I have limited time can anyone confirm this or suggest another area to head to please so we don’t end up wandering aimlessly.


    We are spending one night by the river nr China town, arrive at 20:00 leave next day @14:00.





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