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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 22 minutes ago, kuma said:

    Mattzon, thanks for the input. Sounds like a catch 22 in that...which for sure I have encountered here. Thing is I have a registered usufruct, which does efgectively split land ownership and usage, and grants me the right to do on the property as I please for the period of my natural life...so this issue seens fundamental to that and if this xant be done, then what value does the usufruct hold and why bother doing it...that is sort of what puzzles me.

    Thanks for the input

    Yes, It´s will surely do. The good thing is that you have a usufruct that will give you the right to live in the place as long as you live or wish. That will also make it easier for you  to split the house and the land in two deeds at a later stage. However, some offices will agree to that and some will not. It will also depend on the piece of land, but please do not ask me how they will look at that. Have no clue.- ???? 

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  2. 2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    I deposited a UK cheque into Bangkok Bank just the other day

    it will take up to 45 days to clear, and the fee was 430 THB.


    Just take the cheque and bank book to bank, with ID ,same name

    as cheque.

    regards Worgeordie

    45 days! Did you try that before the age of computers and Internet? it takes about 7-14 days to clear a check disregarding what bank you use.

  3. As you speak it will not work. This is something you need to take up with the land and transport department. They are the only ones that can split up land and house between you and your wife. Has nothing to do with what stands on the building contract. As long as you have no paper that the building is yours you can not sign for building, as well as you will not get a name on something that do not already exist.

  4. 6 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Sad how some abled bodied people think being disabled is funny.????

    Never said it was not sad. Just posted that everything else have rules, and then I assume same will go for this. ???? 


    Ok, now we have the usual wrath making a go at it again. However, I am sure you can understand it Colin. If somebody put you in a race for 100m you would probably lose. It´s natural and noting wrong with that. The same goes for this man. If they only could write that it´s an amazing thing.

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  5. Even if this a a fantastic thing, and that the man is good at what he does, it could never be called snooker.

    Snooker is played with a cue. He can not play the game as it is, and can therefore not be allowed to play on international levels. That would be same as mixing paralympics with the regular olympics. It might sound sad, but that´s the way things work as it is today.


    After taking a look at the video it also looks like he is just at the same level as any other semi-good regular snooker club player. That video does not even touch any division at international level.

    However, the man got a way to have fun in life and managed to overcome the problems to be able to do the things he likes in life. That´s a great achievement. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    "I understand you're tired" is a personal attack, which is what you do.

    When you say "Yeah, then I think you realise who drew the shorter stick in this game" were you referring to Outer Mongolia? Stop being disingenuous, you are already in a hole, time to stop digging.

    Again your post for all to see.⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


    "When you look at UK the UK population with about 68 million citizens, and that there is losses already of over 750 000 jobs. That as well as a very high risk of close to a million more jobs to go away. Yeah, then I think you realize who draw the shorter stick in this game."

    Yes, my post for all to see once again: Thanks you for confirming your mistake and the fact that you are totally wrong.

    As you can se, the post turned out to be popular and has been rewarded 7 likes. So, I guess that will show you that re-posting my information does not have your desired effect. Sorrey! Nice try, though. Better luck next time! ???? 

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  7. 21 minutes ago, vogie said:

    "I understand you're tired" is a personal attack, which is what you do.

    When you say "Yeah, then I think you realise who drew the shorter stick in this game" were you referring to Outer Mongolia? Stop being disingenuous, you are already in a hole, time to stop digging.

    Again your post for all to see.⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


    "When you look at UK the UK population with about 68 million citizens, and that there is losses already of over 750 000 jobs. That as well as a very high risk of close to a million more jobs to go away. Yeah, then I think you realize who draw the shorter stick in this game."

    What? Personal attack? It was you that said you were tired. I just said that I understand your peculiar situation. However, I also assumed that you had hard to focus and realize what you in reality was the reason to you being tired. Enough with that. No personal attack at all. It was you that brought the tired subject up in the discussion.


    So, then you mean that you accuse me for wishing that UK suffers more, just because I highlighted who will come out with most problem? To compare two things and draw a conclusion is not at all same as making or delivering a wish. The one that is digging is you, and probably searching for a way to understand the difference. Good Luck!

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  8. 29 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Only a very special poster would write something down, then deny he/she said it. I will let the rest of the forum judge you because quite frankly I have had enough of your arguements.

    No you not get away that easy. What did I post that states I wish the UK to suffer more? I understand you are tired. That has nothing to do with my arguments. That has entirely to do with your accusations that you have no substance to stand up for.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Sometimes I don't think you realise what you are writing on here, you stated :-


    When you look at UK the UK population with about 68 million citizens, and that there is losses already of over 750 000 jobs. That as well as a very high risk of close to a million more jobs to go away. Yeah, then I think you realize who draw the shorter stick in this game. 



    Yes, I know I posted at. Where do I write that I want ne side to suffer more?  really think that it´s you who have reading difficulties and lack of comprehension capabilities.

    I just pointed out for you to realize who have the greater loss, due to that you only pointed out that EU stand in front of a risk to lose 1 million jobs. Please, now, point out where it stand that I want it to be like that? Another option can be to just keep quiet, if the only thing on your agenda is to twist information and make up accusations based on ck of comprehension.


    To bring up another thing to spread clarity as well as compare two situations, can never be considered to wish something for a specific side.

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  10. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    I know an old guy whose wife takes care of all his paperwork, they went to the Laos border and were fined 15,000bht, they were on 30 days overstay, his wife thought June was July, but of course you want the ol' fella deported..????


    Now I think you should perhaps stay quiet on the subject....????


    So, that means he made the wrong choice. He let a person that was not up for it take care of his paperwork and visa. I assume they, or his wife, had children or other relatives in younger age or more concentrated. If you reside in a foreign country and no longer can take care of things yourself, it´s your responsibility to appoint a person you can trust. Not a person you believe you can trust. There are agents that can take on this work for older people, and you can trust that it´s is being done in due time.

    Why would I stay quiet? You have the ball. Present me with some valid reasons for overstaying 14 or more days! You, can´t, right? Then we at least know who should remain quiet out of us two, and it´s not me.

    Now I will not discuss this off topic area more. If you wish to continue, you are free to send me a PM for further discussion. This thread is about 12 million struggling Brits. ???? 


    1 hour ago, transam said:

    Once again you question my country of which I am proud of, a country, and it's populace that is none of your business to chastise on a regular basis...Makes you look stupid...????


    It´s definitely my business, due to that the actions of the people and a country´s government will affect the outcome of the economic situation. Something that I´ve already told you is a thing that is a part of my table, which makes it my business. You, however, are free to disregard my comments and move on with your life. ???? 



    By the way, you are reacting and replying so much to my original posts and you never stop. In the future I will do like above and collect them into one single reply. I hope that is not a problem for you. ????

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