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Posts posted by TProphet

  1. Your mom doesn't have any savings and only receives Social Security. Given this, she's eligible to be declared a public charge and receive Medicaid, which will pay for nursing home care.


    You are correct that the maximum income is $600 per month. The way this works in practice is that she'll still get Social Security, and the nursing home will take all but $600 of it. She can spend the remainder how she likes. In other words, you're not ineligible to go on Medicaid with only Social Security income, you're just not allowed to keep more than $600/mo of it once you go on Medicaid.


    Here in Washington state, the Department of Social and Health Services has a unit that deals with cases like these and can coordinate care. I'm not sure what the right resources are in your home state but returning to the US isn't impossible and her care would be fully covered by Medicaid. It'll require a trip there to fill out the paperwork and the quality of care is likely to be (slightly) better than in The Philippines.

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