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What to do now

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Everything posted by What to do now

  1. Oh yes, the mighty "crackdown". Almost a whole day went by without seeing this catchphrase. I can sleep easier now.
  2. The real issue is the freelancers working without a work permit. But honestly I don't think anything will be done about it. The "crackdown " in Pattaya only lasted for a few days , and they returned to Beach road shortly after. If they truly cared they would police the areas every night.
  3. Betcha the overstay was the main concern.
  4. Here's a novel thought.. how about actually punishing bad behavior instead of just taking a bribe.
  5. Many of the Thai Temples I have visited have posted THE BUDDHA IS NOT FOR TATTOO OR DECORATION. To each their own I guess. But for me personally I would not get a tattoo of Buddha out of respect for the culture.
  6. At this point I have little sympathy unless your robbed at gun point. Anyone who takes just a few seconds to read about the do's and do not's of Thailand should know the basics . Don't carry large amounts, don't be flashy with jewelry, don't brag about your money, keep your money on your mind, and your mind on your money. 🤔 💰
  7. A lot to do about nothing. Like almost everything else in Thailand " Government proposes" , in the end it will have poor emplimentation & lack of effort. They literally tell you to just do border runs in this article if you're opening a bank account for stay. Was there supposed to be a "crackdown" on multiple border runs to eliminate this? 😂
  8. Not a surprise. Asia has this all over. In Japan there are many "Japanese only" restraunts. I think the root of the problem is how trouble making tourist are dealt with. Far to often it's a fine, followed with photo op of opportunity, and public apology. They really need to enforce visa bans on trouble makers. Or jail time to send a message.
  9. I've never had any problems while in Thailand, It seems most issues arise from overdrinking or someone bringing their entitled attitude over. And after being in Thailand traffic I wouldn't dare to ride a motorbike without a helmet. Lol.
  10. Absolutely. If the bar tries to convince you it's not necessary. I leave. I buy a drink I pay. If I buy a lady a drink. I pay. Never had an issue with end of night bill.
  11. I have traveled to Thailand many times. Never had any issues with anyone. It's really easy to stay out of trouble. Speak and treat others respectfully, don't over drink, take a motorbike or taxi if it's late. And very importantly watch your bar tab.
  12. They could have saved themselves a lot of trouble and just held up a sign that said " We're gullible, take our money."
  13. The mayor also said he can not move resources to keep the beach clear , because he is still concentrating on the " crack down " on foreign free lance ladies in beach road.* Ok, he didn't say that...but It sounds like the basic rhetoric . Remember folks ,Pattaya is a family friendly destination after all. SMH.
  14. I've been saying this should happen. But unfortunately the only thing Thailand seems to go after on a steady basis is if you're a farang not wearing a helmet.
  15. Thailand will continue to have issues with disturbances until they crack down on the offenders. People with overstay are the only ones who seem to get banned. How about getting serious with violent and trouble making tourist. Rarely hear about them getting more than a fine and forced public apology. I love Thailand and I want it to prosper. But until the politicians in Thailand worry less about 'losing face' , and send a clear message ( through actions ) that violent and threatening behavior will absolutely not be tolerated it will continue.
  16. What happens in the club , stays in the club. Not all Thai ladies are 'workers'. Dude is a moron. He's very lucky this ladies boyfriend/husband or brother wasn't around. He could have got the classic 5 on 1 Thai welcoming.
  17. Local ladies and ladyboys don't want the competition. 💰
  18. Sorry Thailand, a slap on the wrist and a picture won't cut it anymore. Make it clear upon entry breaking Thai laws including overstay will be treated harshly. ....oh who I kidding, that would take effort.
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