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Everything posted by ThePugAndMe

  1. How is the US sanctioning Russia (whilst buying Russian sold gas from India at a premium) and forcing EU countries to do the same the effects of Russia's stupidity?
  2. I don't have an address in the UK (my home country) or a bank account there anymore so what freaking country am I supposed to open the account in? Drop the "anyone smart" part of your message, it's nothing to do with being smart... just what makes life easier. What's the chances of Paypal / Thai government reversing their decision if we make a big stink about it?
  3. I run a hobby esports competition and use paypal to send money to the winners from my Thai bank account. I was annoyed about their March 2022 plans (cannot receive funds) - but these new plans have turned a bad situation into a more terrible situation. I've got some patreon subscriptions and other recurring payments. What's the solution here for me? I can probably try to pay with CC for the subscriptions but how can I pay the competition winners if I'm no longer allowed to have a paypal account here ????
  4. No they were touted as stopping transmission. There's plenty of evidence from all the usual talking heads (Fauci, Pfizer + Moderna CEOS etc). This numpty got vaccinated with his second pfizer (and 6th jab in total) and caught Covid 15 days later. If the vaccine creates antibodies that don't help prevent you being infected even 15 days after innoculation - perhaps the vaccines don't help at all. The reason we were wearing masks and socially isolating is because the risk from covid (including the OG strain) has ALWAYS been minuscule. Use your common sense for goodness sake, the reason the deaths are trending down is because the entire population has been repeatedly exposed to the virus and we've built up memory to it. That's how the immunse response to coronaviruses works.
  5. He got a pfizer jab 15 days ago: https://thepattayanews.com/2022/06/13/public-health-minister-anutin-charnvirakul-receives-sixth-booster-covid-19-shot-today/ ????
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