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Posts posted by DD18

  1. Ok enough! I made the original recommendation on the basis that I was happy with Jon & Omer's work, and I personally know other people who would recommend them. On the cost issue they are not the cheapest but no way near the dearest. As usual people spout cheap prices but in reality its bullshit and at the end of the day you get what you pay for. As for what colours are used..... please!

    To N47HAN - I would not worry about who you identify as potential customers in this thread, in their opinion your products would either be far too 'expensive', the wrong colour or could be be bought for the fraction on the price from Joe Bloggs down the road!

    Please remember that some people have to work to make a living and take pride in that work. Ok the other web guys are just back stabbing which is to be expected, they would like your custom, but also please note only one has included an actual web link. Those of you who do not know what the hel_l you are talking about just remember it may be your business under the spotlight next week.

  2. Try 0874 983630 and ask for Jon. Very happy with work done to date. Two companies working together - Finflix (Graphic Design) and www.simple-biz.com (website developer - 11 servers) based in Chalong). Give them a ring, happy to quote.

  3. You have "No thai spouse/relatives" but are asking if any issue for "visiting relatives". Yes they do; but you do not seem to qualify.

    Ok so putting visiting relatives for reason why wanting visa not acceptable in KL/Singapore? I live in Phuket, my property is here, my farang family are here, etc etc so any suggestions what to put to get visa in say KL? If I cannot the visa again in KL I'll have to go back UK where I can put visiting relatives no questions asked.

    Thanks Kaojai for Dubai answer, thought it might have been a long shot but as DSF coming up would have been nice!

  4. Let the girl buy what she wants to buy. She just asked where to buy one, and got jumped on (typical TVers, but usually not in the motoring forum).... If you want to help, help her answer the question.

    She's based in Phuket anyway, so no use telling her about the tight sois in bangkok. I'm happy for all you Vios/Camry/altis/(insert p.o.s car) and how easy it is for you to drive in a little soi, and your pick ups with your little brown girl next to you, but if the girl wants to buy a Hummer, who cares?

    Somebody already mentioned the place to get one... I've a friend with an H3, not my style as I like coupes but he loves it.

    Buy what you want, don't listen to the haters livin on 30k a month....

    Thanks for support, quite surprised at reaction. Anyway am debating having a pink hummer just to be different!!!

    Range Rover is on list to look at along with porsche and landcruiser.

  5. why do I want to buy a hummer? Typicaly female reason I suppose, I like how it looks, but as said I will try it out, if it awful to handle etc then will try something else. Not bothered about the fuel consumption etc or the boring stuff lol. Looks, colour and gadgets.

  6. Further, it has a wider track than other cars, imagine it puffing while trying to navigate a narrow off-road

    I don't have to imagine, they were all over Bangkok after the coup. One came trundling down my narrow soi complete with turret mounted machine gun. God help any motorist heading towards it in the opposite direction.

    Oh I forgot the real reason I want a hummer, the mounted machine gun turret, to get rid of all the boring old f**ts who want to tell u how to live your life.

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