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Posts posted by nikov

  1. 5 hours ago, Ctkong said:

    I think his moment of weakness he will always regret. However, Buddhism is about being truthful to yourself and see yourself as what you are. Not cloak and daggers here. You are what you are.

    having said that, Buddhism also recognize that laymen and even monks are fallible when striving on the path of enlightenment. So long as you recognize your failings and acted to remove them, you are still on the spiritual path. Repentance weigh heavily upon any person on his spiritual quest and until you first attain inner peace with your being, enlightenment will always elude you. 

    Exactly. What I have read from the words of the Buddha, he doesn't strictly advice against of touching woman.


    What I have understood is that having sex and thinking about sex causes clinging, need and carving for it. That's why it is consider a bad thing, it causes craving & clinging, if you can't control your mind enough.


    Many persons seems to be shocked that a monk shouldn't touch a woman, but basically same thing goes with looking someones eyes - it easily raises feelings and expectations.


    Those are just things that when controlled or avoided, your path to enlightenment will be easier. It's not meant like once you touch a woman or have sex you will burn in hell.

    • Haha 1
  2. Got to add that sometimes all you have to do is watch. Let the drunken customer let out some steam and then he will get tired.


    Couple months ago I watched some drunken foreigner picking up a fight with a bigger bouncer in Soi Cowboy. The bouncer just stood there, watched the drunken guy in anger, with a loving look in his eyes. After couple of minutes the foreigner was out of steam, out of anger and situation got back to normal.

  3. There should basically never be a need to use fists for a police or a security guard. Let alone legs.


    People skills come first and grappling skills second. Great talkers who own a good body language solve lot of situations where others have to use force.


    If only we could ask proper training, mindset and grappling skills for the guys who work at the door. But this is Thailand.


    There might be a proper reason why the thai started to fight with the foreigner. But there is a chance that there was none.


    People who say that they have never gotten into a physical altercation with thai haven't probably spend a lot of time in some wrong bars of eg Patpong or Phuket. I've heard that usual cases include getting a beating by not paying the fake bill.


    I've never been overcharged or argued with the security in Seadragon (lived there about a year), but I have also never been really drunk there. If you are really drunk or a tourist the chances that they try to scam you probably grows.


    However, a security guard shouls be the last person who 1. Loses his control 2. fights with fists 3. Finishes the fights with stomping. A normal guy does that. But not a professional or trained fighter.


  4. Hi,


    I live in a condo in middle of Asok, Bangkok and got a 200/100 fibre from True. The international speeds are generally as in any other provider.


    However, what I find very annoying, is that the network is dropping/delaying data multiple times in an hour. For example, if I watch Netflix I get artifacts/lag in picture multiple times per one episode or movie. Same when playing online games like Counter-Strike or talking in Skype.


    The poor connection on Netflix & Skype lasts usually like couple to 10 seconds. When gaming online the connection may be poor like half of the time. I make a lot of business calls online and would also like to game more so the current situation isn't ideal.


    Has anyone experienced this and how it has been solved? Should I try to upgrade to a 1000 Mbps connection and hope that I will get a new, better, router with that? Also True seems to be launched some gaming focused product, but I guess it is likely the same as my current one, just more local upload speed.

    I also have True Visions, so the TV signal goes through the router too.

  5. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    A prescription has nothing whatsoever to do with this and will not help in any way. What they are demanding is a commercial impirt lucense which you cannot get.


    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app






    Thanks Sheryl! The whole point of my post is that the FDA officer is requiring exactly a personal prescription from a doctor to use the device! :'D


    Here is how it went: After many documents and Paperless importer registration the DHL requested a "medical certificate". I thought they meant a medical certificate, just like when you apply a work permit. So I did and got one! :'D Here is their answer, we had a long phone call too:

    2nd mail "I mean please support for the letter why you have to use this product by doctor"
    3rd mail "Following Thai Customs and FDA Department you have to support for the Medical certificate which explain why you have to use this product by doctor."
    4th mail "you have to contact thai hospital for require POA(Prescription from doctor) for support clearance"
    mail after our call: "As our last conversation, because doctor prescription from Clinic is doesn’t work due to doctor said that you are not Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Elephantiasis so it’s don’t math with your Product. According from Local Thai customs regulation, you have to provide doctor prescription only from Hospital no clinic no pharmacy, so if you decide to go to hospital when you meet doctor please call me so I’ll explain to doctor about what tey have to write in the prescription. So any help you want please not hesitate to contact me"

    The 4th email and email after the call are from DHL's "
    Clearance Support Team Leader – Customs Clearance".

    So not only they require a prescription to use that device from a doctor. The doctor must work in a hospital - not in a clinic! Haha. I don't know if I should cry or laugh.

  6. Hi,


    I did order an electronic muscle stimulator online for personal use. The device which I wanted wasn't available in Thailand and the shipment method was DHL and I couldn't affect it.


    The package was catch by Thai FDA. They say that I would need a prescription to get the device delivered to me. DHL agrees with the FDA, even their customer support manager.

    I do agree that it is classified by medical device, in Physical Therapy Devices category. However, it is an OTC product and doesn't require prescription (when buying inside Thailand).


    I did try to look Medical Device Act B.E. 2551 (2008) http://www.fda.moph.go.th/sites/fda_en/Shared Documents/Med ACT_2008.pdf and nowhere in it seems to be a requirement that I would need a prescription when I order a medical device for personal use - which doesn't otherwise require prescription. But they have licensing requirements for companies who are importing and the whole document seems to be mainly about that.


    Any ideas what I could do - other than to go to a hospital to get the prescription. I have delivered tons of documents already and kind of pissed off. Anybody has experience of solving this? I did find topics like people couldn't import condoms for personal use, that doesn't sound right.


    The law should be the same if you carry the condoms or the medical device with you via airport and if you order the product online, right? If one goes to the red line in airport with condoms there is certainly no law which requires a prescription for those.


    Any help appreciated. Is it possible to contact the FDA via email, or would it help if I visit their office?

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