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Posts posted by JacobD

  1. Initially I thought Thailand would not allow countries that are at the highest risk to arrive. America is at the top of that spectrum and my initial thoughts were Americans wouldn't be allowed to enter until the cases improve.


    I then remembered that Thailand let the doors open to the Chinese people right when CHina was at the peak of COVID-19. I do understand that China is near the top of the list in regards to tourism, but that showed me how much Thailand needs tourism (unless there are some 'ill scratch your back/you scratch mine' deals between China and Pra Yoooot).


    America is in the top 10 for countries to arrive in Thailand (and yes they spend), so it wouldnt surprise me if they are still allowed to come. Do I expect this to happen? Not at all. In fact, chances are Americans will be excluded.


    But on the COVID-19 cases chart...there is a trend recently for the cases dropping. If that rate continues, USA may just luck out to where the cases are bearable for Thailand to allow.


    I think testing on arrival, COVId19 health insurance, 2 week quarantine APP tracking, may have Thailand open the doors to Americans and thats if the cases to continue to trend lower as well (lower highs, lower lows on chart).

  2. Ive read some interesting thoughts on what possibly may come on June 1st.

    Ill add my thoughts being in America.

    I do agree with the standard protocol of a 2 week quarantine (either by a separate location/or tracked at an intended address).

    The Fit to Fly protocol I think will be in use of COVID19 insurance along with a certificate of having no Covid19.


    As of right now, it looks like Americans may not be allowed to fly to Thailand, but whats interesting is that during the time of the China crisis from a few months ago, Chinese people were able to travel to Thailand.


    Perhaps Thailand may change their mind on this second time around and be more restrictive to certain countries like the US.


    According to the COVID-19 cases by the chart, it looks like America is improving in the number of cases starting from about 10 days to 2 weeks ago. Yes, some states are starting to rise, though other places are starting to fall. 


    I dont know if AMerica will make the cut by June 1st if Americans can fly to Thailand but it may be 'just' enough time assuming the trend continues.

  3. Sorry i dont trust the CCP numbers and the head of WHO kissing up to China seemed overzealous.


    Germanys population is multitudes way less in population than China. Yet China is merely almost double and they were the origin of this.


    But yeah, glad to be out of Thailand from this. It is too unpredictable and I think the increased hostility towards westerners from immigration and trickling back into society comes from the top.


    Did Pra lose face when the Western media questioned his leadership and ethics years ago and now this is the effect? Who knows..but I dont want to find out being on the wrong end of the stick when SHTF

  4. I am finally out of Thailand. I am currently in Japan heading to US and its a night and day difference on everything.


    I had a bit of minute difficulties but they were able to be sorted very easily in Japan. EVERY airport staffer to the gatekeeper to even the actual Japanese IOs were friendly, helpful and open.


    It wasnt the fake friendliness with some half put smile but a genuine that tried to help me out.


    Id say the only country that can beat the US with their poor service with airport staffers, IOs is sadly Thailand.


    I wanted to stay in Thailand but the more I read, it seems that Thai IOs are getting more aggressive and less helpful. Its too much of a risk to be placed in a country where im totally dependant on the IOs sorting through my paperwork.


    Then there is of course that im simply a 'farang' and I sense the xenophobia has increased lately. What happens when food gets very low and the 'men pen rai' attitude loses steam?


    America will go through its mess and I sense a police state is at the door, but ill take my chances than being some farang begging some IO in Thailand who would break down in tears if he came with that same attitude in most places in the world.




  5. Ive 'heard' that people are able to leave (at least to America) from BKK without any documentations (as I thought it would only be for arrivals). Not a confirmation and would like to hear more on this.


    In regards to transit in BKK, this I am not 100% sure and I don't want to assume that even with transiting in BKK that there would be a health check. THings change day to day and sometimes rules get fuzzy

  6. Im hearing reports of being cancelled (though older flight reservations) but my wife told me that she's heard lately from her friends family that they were able to go back to their home (UK, Aussie, America, etc)


    Im trying to leave on Tuesday to get a chance to leave Thailand before the door shuts (it could be any day now, but my gut feeling says we have another week so want to leave ASAP), so my question is...


    Anyone happen to have any success on knowing which airline carriers are reliable to fly out? Much thanks

  7. To add, I think Thailand in general would be safer than the US. Not saying that the $hit will hit the fan, but when times get tough, I don't see the rioting in Thailand in general like I do see in America.

    But one thing I do see is that immigration will be much tougher and perhaps an uncomfortable experience for foreigners or 'farangs.'


    Thailand has been a great country but the IO situation is whats making me get out of here hopefully days from now.

  8. Ive posted this in another thread, but my summary is that I'm heading back to the US. At first I was going to wait it out for awhile, do a visa extension for 60 days if worse comes to worse, but the fact that the borders are closed (and who truly knows if they will actually reopen on their stated dates), IOs appear to get more tougher based on Facebook posts, and even here, more unknowns, the fact that I am 'farang' or a foreigner in another country has made me want to leave ASAP


    Things were already dicey with immigration, but now with this COVID-19 global lockdown that is starting to happen, Id rather not deal with the headache and stress of uncertainty.


    I dont want to go back to America, but I feel this is the best move. Once things settle down later on, then I can reevaluate the situation (Facebook posts, forum posts, etc) and come back to Thailand.

  9. If you guys can try to make till at least mid to late April (with or without extension provided by Thai govt if its applicable), a ton of new countries in Asia will have finished their suspension on closing their borders (either by direct or having to stop issuing visas).


    I think all the neighboring countries around Thailand will finish in mid to late April on their suspensions, and I think at least one or two will come through. It is unpredictable what will happen, but hopefully thats the case.

    So maybe a border run if your visa or what have you can make it through.

    I guess best to plan how to get back to Thailand but they too may shutdown as others start to open up. Hmmm.


  10. In about 3-5 weeks, THailand's neighboring countries will supposedly end their temporary suspensions in regards to visa/land-air crossings to certain types of foreigners.

    Myanmar will stop their suspension on April 30th.

    I believe Cambodia  will stop on their suspension on April 17th.

    Laos will stop their VOA/Tourist Visa issues on April 20th.

    Vietnam im not sure.


    On one hand Im doubtful they will start issuing Visas again or halt suspensions of certain foreigners arriving because I think the COVID-19 will increase or (fingers crossed, will peak close to that time and improve). For this reason, they may continue with suspensions.

    On the flip side, Im not sure how concerned these countries are with their economy and may re-open but with certain conditions met (like hospital test, insurance, etc).


    This is generally would be considered my midnight beer talk with my mates on a Friday night but Im in isolation trying to predict the future with my crystal ball. Would love to hear thoughts and its time for another can of Leo ????

  11. 11 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    so your best bet would be to obtain a 60 day extension in early may which will take you to early july,

    if possible do a fresh border bounce before the visa expires in early june for a fresh 90 day and then another 60 day extension which would take you to early november ( may not be possible due to other countries arrival restrictions.

    the other option you have if possible is to put 400,000 baht in an account in your name and get a yearly extension, alternatively 40,000 baht per month transferred from abroad, for the yearly extension

    good luck

    Super thanks.

  12. 5 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    you post a lot, but not much to help someone help you

    1 what do you want to do fly home and leave the family or stay here

    2 what type of visa do you have multi or single entry non immigrant 'O' or an extension of stay from local immigration,

    3 when was the visa issued and when does it expire

    4 what is the date on your last permission to stay issued when you entered Thailand,

    5 a 60 day visit Thai wife/family can be obtained an every 90 day entry you make, 1,900 thb

    1. Stay here.

    2. Multi-o

    3. Visa was issues Jun of last year, expires start of June this year


    5, Ah yes, I can do that.

  13. I have 7 weeks left to do a border run on my Non-O Visa by marriage (which is due soon too at start of June).

    I am US Citizen that has family here. While it may be the best option to just head to the US simply from visa issues and the borders closing,

    my family is here and I want to be close to them.

    Things are set to get worse and it looks like the neighboring countries (and soon Thailand) will close their borders.

    From what Im gathering, my only options are to go to countries that don't have their borders closed or blocking US citizens or to go back to my country.


    My understanding IF Thailand closes its border, my only two OPTIONS are

    1) can ONLY go back to America by permission with the embassy and not other countries that allow foreigners in at that time (I cant even go to say Vietnam even if they allow Thailand to come in)?


    2) I could overstay, but why pay heavy fines while waiting for 2 weeks and getting hassle from immigration?


    My only conclusion, and I guess 'HOPE', is that the government will temporarily allow visas/border runs to overstay until Thailand can open its borders along with other countries.


    But Im been highly skeptical and very pessimistic with how the Immigration has treated foreigners.  This COULD be an opportunity for Thailand to put on a good face for the world to show an extension of good-faith/hand if they can ease up on foreigners who WILL overstay due to COVID-19.


    ALso, leaving the country wont be easy in 30 days from now. Very few planes and extremely high costs. Many people who are stuck here will not pay the high costs or simply wont afford it.



    • Thanks 1
  14. I understand both LKV and dtag.

    dtag shouldn't have had that situation happen to him.

    Likewise, that situation all started from that blue stamp which probably raised a flag/suspicion to the IO and so he took full advantage of that.

    The IO shouldn't have done that, though the history combined with blue stamps gave him an excuse to come down hard on OP.


    That is my question too. I'm not experienced in these matters, and just lurk around here, but I wonder why PP but that blue stamp if it was only your first time there doing that and getting a Tourist Visa?

    It seems the best thing to do is avoid the consulate in PP? Like to hear more feedback for future cases.

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  15. Last week I received my Non O Visa hassle free. Im about to fly back to Thailand this Friday and noticed there were remarks in Thai that says something akin to "Follow (name of my wife)". My understanding that in this consulate that they all put remarks (and not a biggie) on all Thai Visas, where in Laos it doesnt state anything. Any concern or is this the norm? Much appreciated.

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