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Posts posted by smilemaker

  1. So I guess no one thinks or asks questions anymore? Does anyone know why they don't want people in the beach waters? I mean, make all beaches off limits around the world?  Its because the salt water holds vast amounts of salts.....and salts can heal many things.So, no salts for you, and can only have short bursts of sunshine , before you have to go back into your cave. Sunshine is Vitimin D, thats why the skys have been sprayed with heavey metals for yrs...to bounce back the sunshine into space. Its all so clear, they don't want us doing anything healthy..they want our immune systems to get depleted, and eventually become depleted. Do what you can to stay healthy and don't wear the mask too much, its loaded with your carbon monoxide, being recycled all day long. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

     2. Health systems are able to "detect, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact".


    This will never happen in Thailand.


    4 Schools, workplaces and other essential places have established preventive measures.


    Immigration's shining example can be taken as a model for how this will be done.


    5 The risk of importing new cases "can be managed".


    Soon at least 2m foreign workers will need to be brought back to do the jobs Thais refuse to do. Absolutely no problem.


    6 Communities are fully educated, engaged and empowered to live under a new normal.


    Not a chance.

    as long as people refuse to believe this is a "fakedemic", they will continue to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. All the Governments will continue to take and control everything.  The New Norm...

    • Haha 1
  3. Personally, i don't think many countries will open again,, until their economy has been completely destroyed. This seems to be what is going on with this fake, preplanned, fakedemic.  All world wars were planned years in advance, and this is the "silent war" we have heard about for years now. Not a shot fired and the whole world has submitted to this flu/cold cough. Most deaths have been older people over 70, unless they had other medical issues, then their death was automatically counted as a Covit 19.  They could stop this pandemic any day, just by stop counting those who death had nothing to do with this covit 19. And then they will stop having 33 new cases everyday. Yeah, you see how the number "33" is everywhere? Its a FreeMason term, meaning the 1/3 of the fallen Angels from Heaven. Its like their Calling Card.

  4. Hmmm, I went to a Hospital here in Thailand last Friday. They asked me about 3 times. "Do you want a Medical Certificate"? Wasen't sure what they were talking about. So, now i do..it was in with the other papers when I got back to condo. Thanks.

    I remember having to get a "medical" permission before i could buy my 1st motorbike.  I went to a Pharmacy that did the medical evaluation..it went like this: "How do you feel"? I'm ok. 100 baht please. That was it..

  5. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    No its cheaper beer, and lao kao in the M-150 bottles I get when i stagger to the village Talad, at 6 am with all the other drunks....hiccup....love to live my life in a stupor, so I can desensitize myself to the inane BS .......

    Well, at least you are honest about it. 

    So Thailand is boasting the lowest infection rates in the world ?  But this Government is in 1st place for one Award

    I seen this coming several yrs ago. In 1997 when i first came here, a Thai could not get a credit card. As soon as they started issueing them, and telling Thais "Spend and be happy, Thai property will continue to raise and we can all Sa Bai, Sa Bai. Teachers, and Government  workers were encouraged to "borrow" and "don't worry". How many Thais have you heard from saying "I cannot afford  to retire, i have too much debt"? I have heard this many times. The same thing goes on almost every where. The Banks work with the Governments who will only allow "good news" to come out, while fudging all the real numbers. Same as the US did during the Housing "Boom". I seen the writing on the wall, and it was June 2006 when the indicators showed me it was all coming down. I closed my Business and "sold the building w/ land" for almost 5 times what I had paid 20 yrs earlier. The Government hid the truth and lied about the Housing Markets until in 2008 when they finally admitted there was a problem. Many lost everything..many just packed a bag and left during the night. Remember when Thais were encourages to learn English so they could get all those good paying "ASEIAN" jobs? Well, they never got much for "jobs" because the building companies were all Chinese and they brought their chinese workers. A couple years later, Thais were encouraged to be Proud of their "Nationalism" and told to wear Thai costumes. Sabai Sabai

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Wow, a conspiracy to stop you and all the others who know the truth, I never would have believed it possible.  Not sure where you get your info from but sometimes its better to take everything with a grain of salt.  

    Living here over 10 yrs now, I still see the same ones who will  never understand anything..except the price of beer and cheap wiskey. 

    Carry on...

    • Like 1
  7. So, I went to the World Medical Hospital on Friday, near Thong Mueang Thani and I think I was the only Patient there, and we went up and down the floors. Staff everywhere, large posters everywhere telling you how and why to do social distancing, washing your hands, and many other "rules". 

    So, does this make my remark 100% proof that the Hospitals are mostly empty? Or, because I don't have a Fancy "tital" next to my name , the Mod will delete my post, because he don't like "facts" either? And there are many videos online, from reliable sources, many i know, of many, many more empty Hospitals? TV News channels have been busted many times showing videos made in other countries, and claiming it to be at their Hospitals. 

    Example: A video showing men digging a very big trench and then laying bodies in it. Then claiming so many are dying, they can only dig holes and drop bodies in it, Well, a MSM ran this same video and claimed the same. Well, the original video was from a foreign country where this proceedure is common, because this is at a Prison, where the dead Prisoners are baried like this if no one claims their body. Its a free burial. 

    A huge explosion at a Kentucky fireworks factory was used to show that "the war has started against Syria and look at all the bombs exploding. Or videos of a independant Journalist driving around to visit the Hospitals the Media is telling us are all over crowded..all are empty.  All MSM News channels are lies and fake News,  especially when they are all owned by the same corporations. 

  8. You know, I see a big problem here...I seen this post come out yesterday and thought, "OK, i'm sure many will post their advice based on there own experiences getting involved in these cheap alcohals here, and their advice on what they did to stop the addiction from taking over their lives". But, I don't see any coming forth. OK, so out of the "millions" of alcohalics here, no one will step forth, and no one offers help? OK, I understand. I would like to offer my experience and maybe it will help someone. I got messed up with the cheap alcohals (poisons) here. It always starts out with laughing and having a good time with your friends..but then, after a few days, it starts to get in under your skin. In the US, pill pushing Drs know it will take only 20 days of taking pain meds, before your body can get addicted and will start screaming out for "more", every day. I know this from experience. I had cracked discs and vertibreas from a couple totalled cars i had been in, when i was younger. I had real pain and about 10 yrs later called a Doctor who examined me, me x-rays, and he presecribed 15mg hydocodines to me. Yeah, after taking the 1st pill, i was a happy camper, and he gave me a 100 pill script WITH 2 more refills. that was 300 pills. Yeah, i got addicted and soon, i was lying just to get more. But soon I had to wake up and see what this was doing to me. If i took 10 of these per day i would be putting 5000 mgs of Tylenal into my kidneys and liver. My body started to swell up and everything began to "plug up". Hard to impossible to "poop", greatly reduced appetite. So less food in, but everything blowing up. I did get off these after alot of research online and through several private online forums. I met many who were up to as much as 20-30 pills a day. Do you know, i could not find any Drs who would tell you how to get off these opioids or sell you something to help you detox? I finally made my own detox plans..i went to foreign online pharmacies, and basically had to buy things "Illegally" just to get help. So I bought a medicine to used for night sweats, then, heart palpitations, low mg pain meds with no tylenal, ect. I did make it, and started taking Omegas 3,6,8 fish oil capsuels. About 7 months later i woke up one day, reaching to rub the pain in my back, and said "What? What? What? Haha, there was no more pain. That was almost 15 years ago, now. 

    So, lets get to the alcohal....Its more dangerous, and can "<deleted>$k" up your whole life. I never liked drinking...hated the taste, smell, the effects. I grew up on some nice weed in the 70;s and was more than happy with that. It never made me feel "bloated", or clumsy, or dangerous behind the wheel. ect. But, haven't had any weed since then. Because nows its mostly GmO and way to strong. So, the alcohals are very dangerous..and the Governments prefer it over some weed that might heal your pain, eye problems, loss of appetite, sleep problems, ect. They prefer alcohal because it generates arrests and money, and these keep them busy. Let me speed this up..if you are a alcohalic or just shaking from not getting your next drink, Get yourself some tumeric capsules and some very sugary flavered drinks, because your body is missing  (craving) that "sugar jolt", that you were getting from the alcohal spiking your insulin levels. Try to do some exercise, drink lots of water to flush the alcohal from your body, liver and kidneys, ect. Take lots of the tumeric daily, 4 to 8 capsukes, and you will start to feel better, and probably avoid the shakes..but your sleep will take a couple days. Just be patient. You poisoned yourself, so be thankful you are on your way to recovery. Then set concret goals to help avoid a recourrance. Its hard, I know, but not impossible. And remember this..people will be forced to give up all these "habits",in this NWO coming upon us.  Hope this helps someone.

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, justin case said:

    I wish my ex-wife was DEAD, that would solve 99 percent of my problems, 100 percent immigration problems


    but satanic monsters live old age torturing other people, even their own child


    but sorry for your loss


    since divorce, I also have to jump true loops to try to STAY legally to raise my child , that I take care of ALONE as ex is gone but still messing up our lives because thai laws are in favor of ... thais


    as my ex does not have 2 hours PER YEAR to spent with child/me at immigration to sign 3 papers ... 


    I thought Thailand was for the man..the Thai man, who can have multible wives and GF's. 

    Thanks for answering some of my questions. Oh, wait, you didn't....

    Don't let this thing eat you up, there has to be something you can do. 

    This was my 2nd Thai wife of 8 yrs, the 1st (in the USA) was 7 yrs, before her and her money hungry sisters (living in Las Vegas) decided to devorce me and walk away with a cool $180,000..I fought them down from $780,000.

    I'm sleeping in tomarrow!  haha

  10. So after going to that huge temp place today in Muang Thong Thani, and standing in line for this and that and ending up with nothing except, "You have to go to the other place tomarrow and need to be there by 5AM to get a Number, now i don't have to go anywhere or fill out all the forms I was given today for a Tourist extention, and after "just" finishing reading all 17 pages on Thaivisa, i can stay home tomarrow? What about the 1900tb? When or where do we pay that?  I have been here 10 yrs, but my wife died 2 yrs ago, and i have been doing the Tourist stamp thing, because cannot geta yearly VISA at this point. Thankyou in advance...

  11. The Hospitals are being told to write everything off as a Covit 19 death. So, to make the numbers look bigger.  The reason they can get so many "new" covit 19 infections, is because "the test" only looks for coronavirus, not Covit 19. Most of us have coronavirus in our system, because it is a common cold or flu. Most of us have over 200 viruses in our system. These are like little soldiers who fight for us, to keep us healthy  I worked in the medical field for 20 yrs, and had the Hep B "put" in my system to help innoculate me against a possible serious attack. The things happening now are a smoke screen to a bigger agenda. But, I won't go into that...it seems most on here 

    enjoy the smoke screen.

    • Like 1
  12. Someone posted that another Immigration center was opened in Muang Thong Thani, Does anyone have a address? I have been staying here a couple months, its really nice. My room is full furnished and big, and i get very good price with a monthy rent. Its like a new Future city, all walking distance, all new buildings and very clean. Also, do all immigration places have access to copy machines? Thanks in advance!

  13. Yes, I need a bit of help also. Last week someone had posted those here as a Tourist just needed to go to IO and you would get a 30 day extension. Has this changed ?  I will be going to IO before April 8th, so if someone can tell me what exactly i need to have or take with me, that would be great. I did have a marriage Visa, but changed to a Tourist (long story) and have been doing the Laos run and Immigration Ofiice thing. Do I need a TM 30? I have never done a TM30 before. A letter from the Hotel? ect?

    Thanks greatly in advance....these are strange times we live in.

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