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Posts posted by tominuk

  1. Hello Chemistry, 

    Sorry for late reply......I have been unable to get access to any documents and have engaged a new lawyer to re-apply for copies, where possible, from various organisations. I don't know why there is no legal way for previous clients to access documents held by STLO and I'm not really sure what the status of the company actually is. 

    I will post any further info I get on this forum page. 

  2. Worldchild, thanks for the response.....this appears to be what has happened. I am now just trying to get documents from their secure store. Apparently it was his wife who tried to keep the firm going. 

    Thanks to all who replied. 

  3. Does anybody know this company?

    They have been based on 17th floor of Silom complex since 1993 but have recently and without warning disappeared without a trace. 

    All phones/mobiles/emails disconnected. Any leads or tips on how to find what out has happened to them would be great. Thx. 


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