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Posts posted by Garybaldy

  1. Don’t labour under the misapprehension that this is just a problem in Thailand and only Thais litter. There’s lazy people all over the world one only has to look at the side of the motorways in the UK to see some people don’t give a damn.

    Changing the packaging to biodegradable would be much better and anyone caught littering should be put in litter chain gangs (like community service) picking up at litter hot spots in bright orange overalls displaying a visible deterrent to other would be litterers.

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  2. Total waste of paint, just think of all the millions of gallons wasted right across Thailand. Same as stop signs waste of metal they all learn to drive on the dodgems.

    As for matey boy after getting knocked over making himself look a proper twit by refusing to move surely would double the embarrassment.

    But to say zebra crossings are different to in Europe just goes to prove Farang will be to blame no matter what the scenario.

  3. I agree a start needs to be made. I reuse my store bags as bin bags so if they are no more I will have to buy bin liners( hopefully biodegradable) as I’m sure will a lot of other people. What about food plastic bags, drinks cups etc I see Intranin (I think that’s how you spell it) coffee are using bio cups which rot down in landfill. There are so many biodegradable options now maybe that’s the way to go.

  4. If I saw someone drop the money they would definitely be told they had dropped it. If it was just blowing down the Soi with no obvious owner it would go in my pocket. If someone enquired later on for that exact amount they would get it back also.

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