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    Khon Kaen

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    Khon Kaen

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  1. I mailed my 7162 to the SSA FBU unit in Manila Feb 06. It was received by the Embassy on the 9th; processed on the 13th. Payments are scheduled to resume on the 25th. Received info from the Mania FBU and confirmation i am in the system. Once in the Government system Treasury published send date. So if you have wait more than 10 business days with funds call the FBU unit at: +63 25 301 6200
  2. It seems Social Security benefit Suspensions are happening quite frequently. Non-receipt of SSA-7162. is the culprit. This has happened to me. To correct you must go the the Social Security Administration site at the US-Manila Embassy. Once you get on the SSA page all the info and links that you need are on that page. Note if you want to call they are only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 0800 ans 1100 Manila time. Wait times are incredibly short. And they are quite helpful; and professional. I would strongly recommend using DHL as the courier of choice. It took days for delivery to the Embassy. Hope that helpas
  3. I've been searching or online Thai language courses too and signed up with Thai Zoi for individual classes on zoom. The (free) assessment session was fine and the first course was more than satisfactory, Since then I have not been able to view the first session recording or schedule the the second of 19 sessions I purchased. No one answers the listed contact number on their web site nor have any of my emails been answered regarding scheduling. A lot of detail went in to their web site all in all Zoi Thai appears to be legitimate. Has anyone on this site had an experience with this company ? Have they gone bust?
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