I have four houses built on a block on an island in Thailand.
When we built these houses septic tanks with soakaways were installed.
However because the block position after about two weeks of solid rain the ground water rises and fills the soakaways which a) fills the septic tank and stops the toilet from flushing; and b) effluent from the soakaway leechs out the top of the soakaway causing effluent to be present in the surface water.
I have solved this problem by piping to soakaways downhill that are above the ground water level allowing the soakaway at the house to have enough headroom for water to flow out of it and down to the secondary soakaway. Works great.
Now the block upstream / uphill from me is going to build 12 bungalows each with the same septic / soakaway arrangement which is going to cause effluent to come running downhill onto my property and into the yards of the houses.
This will impact the amount of rent I can charge, the value of the property and saleability significantly.
I have tried to speak with the owner / builder (farang) but he is not being helpful at all and does not want to communicate or discuss the matter.
What are my options here?
I have a lawyer who has dealt with Tessabaan before - even on cases with this specific guy twice already so he's a known problem.
If the guy would just communicate with me I'm sure we could come up with a solution where maybe even he could share a part of my land to add secondary soakaways but he's not the type of person to work with others.
If anyone has experience about this type of thing could you please reply with some tips or experiences you've had. I would greatly appreciate it.
People living in my houses have kids. Effluent running across open ground represents an unacceptable risk to them getting seriously ill and the problem needs to be fixed even if he will not cooperate.
I know building codes are different in different locations. The location I'm referring to here is Koh Phangan.
Thanks for any and all responses.