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Posts posted by Joy1

  1. Hello. I take Zovia (also known as Kelnor or Demulen. Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol). I've tried many types of pills and this is the only thing that has controlled my severe cramps from endometriosis so far. Does anyone know if a pharmacy or hospital can import a foreign birth control like this for me to Thailand? I would be willing to pay a higher premium since the objective is to manage cramps more so than birth control. 


    If not, what are the available/common combination birth controls? The previous thread on this is getting dated so I'd be interested in current information. 


    Alternately, does anyone know if birth control medication would be subject to the 30 days of medicine rule for bringing medication, if I am coming on a one-year ED multi-entry (Student) Visa? I could provide a doctor's note. Thank you all in advance for your help! 

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