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Posts posted by RIP PLP

  1. I just spoke to a local today on the PLP situation and the driver of the truck, under questioning from the police admitted that he in fact was trying to retrieve his phone which had slid onto the passenger side of the cab.This admission came apparently when it was pointed out via witness statement and cctv clearly showing that there was no other rider/driver anywhere near to the accident at the time.

    The family of PLP also cannot make a claim against the driver for any financial compo as he is 'broke'.

    Sadly and lastly not only was PLP pregnant at the time she also has a young son which has now been left motherless.RIP PLP.


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    This could of been any one of us.Patraporn simply went up to the 7/11 to buy a packet of spaghetti, as i have now learnt thanks to the 'local' intel.The picture shows the 7/11 at the same time of day, five days after the accident.The circled area is the point of impact as shown on the video.

    I first met Patraporn lying face down on the 19th June at approx 10-11am.Her dead lifeless body surrounded by what was up until ten minutes prior her motorbike.There must of been hundreds of pieces scattered and the blunt force so horrific that the 'bull bar' from the truck had been sheared off.Now i am not a physicist in matter and energy but for a bull bar to be shawn off and deposited meters away from Patraporns body the truck was travelling at some speed.

    In the video you will notice a Thai woman on a white Italian make scooter knocked down.........

    Travelling towards Nathon on the morning of the 19th i noticed approx eight cars backed up and a cloud of dust.What i didn`t realise was i was arriving possibly 1 minute after a horrific accident as i was to learn.I rode past the cars and quickly arrived to the point where the Thai woman was with her Italian make scooter.She was joined by another UK gent who, like me, was trying to make sense of what just happened.

    What i didn`t realise at the time was the driver of the truck was at the point of getting out of the truck.

    Whats interesting is his initial actions were to move towards the front of the truck and access the damage to the truck.At no point did he stop and try to help or assist Patraporn in any shape or manner.The striped shirt Thai man in the video, as i was told was a government official or so has been alleged.

    I can only assume that the truck driver once he had establishing that the truck was badly damaged was advised to report to the police shop some 20 meters up the road.By this stage many people had arrived from the local shops and the truck driver was heard to be shouting something in Thai once he had walked past the dead body of poor little Patraporn.

    Meanwhile the UK gent was trying to make some sense from the Thai woman as to what happened.All i can convey is that she was waiting to turn into the road that leads down to Mimosa resort and in no way contributed to the accident as clearly the right turning rider(s) were 10 meters away.

    But what you do not see in the video looking Bo Put towards Nathon is that there were more than the one bike turning.From memory and its hard to be precise due to the mess there seemed to be three bikes tangled up in the mess.These riders can only consider themselves lucky to be alive as they could of easily of been fish tailed by the out of control truck.

    In the shambles of what was the initial first ten minutes i was shocked to see more than one persons taking photos and conveyed my disgust and mentioned to the UK gent that somebody should cover Patraporn.The UK gent took off his shirt and covered Patraporn only to be barked at by the official and was told to remove his shirt.Clearly i was witnessing human nature at its worst in many shapes and forms.


    So what happened? Its clear that the truck was speeding and veered into the motorcyle lane.The picture shows the point of impact.The truck struck Patraporn and dragged her body to the point of the Mimosa road,dumped her in the middle of the road face down.He then clipped the riders turning right into the Mimosa road and ended up on the other side of the road.

    Walking towards the police station the truck driver, as i learnt the day after was claiming that he was 'cut off' by another scooter.Instant cowardice as has been mentioned and again human nature at its worse.Now clearly in the video there is no other scooter passing him before the point of impact.The Thai woman on the Italian make scooter turning into Mimosa declared that she was simply waiting to turn.So the truck drivers claim seems to be invalid.It is plausible to suggest that perhaps as a delivery driver he was in a hurry and speeding as is custom in coming down the steep hill that precedes this section of the ringroad. Perhaps he dropped 'something' onto the passenger side floor ( phone,delivery address invoice or cigarette) and combining the fact that he was speeding and a young 22 y/o and perhaps inexperienced driver he yanked the wheel to the left and in that quick action ( 1-3 secs) of retrieving the item veered onto the side lane and instantly killed Patraporn. Patraporn`s family never received the spaghetti and we can only imagine the pain that they went through on that day and are currently going through now.Compounding the pain Patraporn was i believe two months pregnant.Rest in peace porn little Patraporn. 






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