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Posts posted by Lightangel000

  1. Hi.


    Due to Covid I do not want to fly 10 hours to Thailand.

    I found out a court case is in my dead father´s name re. application

    to be administratror/executor for his estate in Thailand,

    he immigrated to Thailand and follows Thai law.


    The judge will reject and  not file the application to be

    admininistrator if my consent letter, signed  -is not

    in the application filed by other lawyer stating

    she is reprenting me as estate owner and heir.


    I have never signed any consent letter or proxy as

    Thai estate owner re my dads bank accounts in Thailand

    saying I consent to a lawyer filing a petition to

    get appointed admininstrator - which is part of the



    when I contact the court they say there is a case nr

    in the name of my dead father 2020, and the name

    of the lawyer filing the petiition - but the court

    registrar refuses to give me the registrar diary showing

    who are stake holders, party in the application.

    flyI have just got the court case nr from court as party,

    and daughter.


    Do I need to fly to the police station from Europe,

    or will any attorney general not accept any mail from



    I have a mail copy of a Thai lawyer stating that person wants

    to get possession of my fathers assets - and wants to make

    an application as admininsitrator in court to get possion of

    my fathers assets.


    I have written a letter, registered to the court president asking

    to get a copy of the registrar diary re my dead father, stating

    the court officers have been payed not to give me this as my

    signature has been forged in the application.


    If I do not want to fly to THailand - must I contact a Thai lawyer

    to contact the police or attorney general or can I do it via

    translated letter in Thai with relevant documents, passport

    family tree translated by sworn translator and stamped by

    such translator?


    I do not anymore want to pay large pre payments to lawyers

    who just dissappear - happened 2 times.

    I have a univ degree in business and a bit of law - not

    just aware of the system in Thailand.

    In Europe we can contact the compaints dept at any court

    which will help me get registrar diary etc which I need as

    proof for the police etc.


    thank you.


    if you have no take action advice - you need not reply.

    I have already met the bank manager who states she

    has transferred and close a bank account to this same

    lawyer who has no Thai court order as executor



  2. Hi.


    I have from second party got document from court digitally re

    family case - and the court have not signed the letter with a name

    of the person who wrote the court letter (anonymous) and it

    looks like the letter was created on a home computer ojn a blank

    A4 paper where somebody wrote the address of the court by

    hand (not pre-printed official court paper like in Europe)


    The court letter via PDF file -

    does not have the official  hai court scale emblem  -

    instead just a  generic Garuda eagle emblem that anyone

    can photoshop.


    Which is the official Thai court emblem on documents from

    Thai court - the scale symbol or the Garuda Eagle?


    The court will notme communicate re me wanting a copy

    of petition filed (old) even if I have sent my ID card as a

    foreign lawyer is involved who filed to be administrator

    and does not want me to see the petition filed. I have

    been dealing re forged documentsw re father´s estate

    and the foreign lawyer telling the rural court to say

    they do not speak English  and not to answer my

    formal letter to the court )in Thai.



    thank you for info


  3. Hi

    In Europe  you do not need to send a ID card /passport copy to get a copy from mthe court

    archived court judgement.

    I mailed to the Thailand Thai court Officxe of the Judiciary and asked to get a archived copy

    of a court judgement for my dead father  (I had already given a court officer my drivers licence)

    as she forwarded my request - and they demand I send them a copy of my passport in order for me

    to get a copy of the  court judgement for appointment of executor for my father done in court

    - old arnd arhived.


    Is this praxis - why should I hand out my ID card to the court archives to get a court copy old.?


    • Confused 1
  4. Hi

    Thank you for kind responses.

    In Europe anyone can mail a  court registrar and they mail back any

    court case.


    Can I as daughter/heir for my deceased father who immigrated to Thailad,

    get without hassel the court registrar to mail me any court case/probate

    application as I am party/heir/daughter to my father.


    (I have all supporting family tree, passport etc etc )


    When I call the court they pretend not to speak English or to call

    his wife,,, (I talked with him in English before)...


    Just want to know my rights.





  5. Hi


    When I visited Bangkok I met a lovely  univ student who helped interpret basic

    simple thing but lost his number. Been searching  Facebook groups and embassy

    interpreter lists  it is hard to choose one as I will as I will ask the interpreter

    to interpret without me being present and I do not want to get scammed if

    the person ev requires to get payed first before doing any work.


    Searching for a reliable univ student etc - but have hard times finding

    univ groups for this like econ och law students in Bangkok. -

    or a small interpreter firm. Its harder as I will not be in Bangkok-

    I will rely on the person to do what  i ask.


    thank you








  6. Hi

    thanks for kind help


    I expect something went wrong when my

    father died at the hospital. I visited the

    private hospital before covid,

    got dads medical journal - but his

    death  certicate was never included with

    time of death. The hospital write to me

    not wanting to give out the directors name

    for the hosptial when I enquire about his.


    I am  from Europe where documents are written by

    computer and doctors must stamp with their

    registration code for being a doctor with the

    medicinal registry so no fake doctor can write



    I got my fathers death certicate from a private hospital

    in Thailand:

    it is written by hand, I can barely read it - its in a form

    with squares, filled in, and the doctors who wrote

    it  has no stamp, no registered doctors number by

    his name, and  the paper is not an official

    form from with the hospital logotype on the hand written

    death certicate with time of death.


    Is this normal?


    Something I expect went wrong at the hospital,

    as they did not include his death certicate written

    ¨by doctor in the medical journal I payed for

    years ago.



  7. Hi

    thank you for kind help.


    I am looking into what happened with my father after he

    died in Thailand where he domiciled.


    I got form the dept of Foreign affairs a copy

    of the amphur death certicate for my father

    and it is a hand written form with no offical

    stamp from the amphur.

    As a relative of mine forges document and he

    was involved -

    do amphur death certicates in thai have

    the ampur stamp from official certifying the

    the copy is true?



  8. Hi.


    Thai amphur death certicate with no adress for my father:


    My father emigrated to Thailand before he died, and

    the taz authority de-registered him from european country.


    I was told by the embassy in Bangkok for my own country, that they

    "can not" registered the Thai addres where my father domiciled and

    built his house on the girlfriends  chanote/land.


    He emigrated to Thailand and declared this with the European tax

    authority that his domcile adress was thailand before he died, who

    have stamped a report about this.


    My father´s address on his thai death certicate - amphur:

    states he has no address iin thai.


    Is there any thai law stopping a european expat  from being

    registered on a thai address where he was domicled-

    as the embassy refuses to put dads address on his

    death certicate saying the girlfriend owns the land.,,..



    • Like 1
  9. Hi everyone,

    Thankful for any help.

    My dad lived and died in Thailand, I just found out that my twin brother

    and the  family lawyer in Europe, together have without letting me  know,

    made an applilcation for probate/executorship in a secret court that is not

    the one in my father´s home town in Thailand, related to his house or bank there.

    I urgently need to telephone around the courts in Thailand to see where the

    application has been made for probate /executor application by my brother,

    as I need to be present at the court hearing to try and stop it as heir, due to

    forged wills etc,

    Where can I find a list of the 78 civil courts with tel nr there are in Thailand?


    If I try and get an application going in dads home city, it will  be too late,

    as the other court any day may create a Thai court order. It is also  very

    difficult to contest or try to get back via court fight, the bank assets that has

    been transferred to my brother via this court order where I never had a chance

    to appear at the court hearing for probate.




  10. Hi - thanks to your kind advice; I will follow what you said:

    I will also ask a neighbour what their land deed/chanote number is and use that neighbourts chanote number/land deed number at the Land office as a location searchpoint at the Landoffice (the GF family live around the house so they will not give their chanote numbers.


    Best wishes to all of you!

    • Like 1
  11. yes -

    sorry - was unclear:

    I was told by a Thai court that for a simple application for grant of probate re application as executor that a Thai lawyer must send the applicaition, otherwise

    the court will  not accept it!    I have opposed in court the other executor - but do not need a lawyer for such a simple thing, and I am not forced by court here to employ  one - like the Thai court said I must to apply as executor.

  12. Hi again guys, thanks for kind input!

    None of the houses around have a high "wall" around them. Sorry, being Swedish it is a high metall guilded "fence"  to stop trespassers. You are right - the area is not of a high standard, the very small houses of a low standard (pottery district) but my fathers house was valued by a local  estate agent to a substational value.

    I would never bother otherwise. It is the value of a standard house in London.,

    where I grew up.


    My twin brother - forging signatures - transferral of chanote/title deed at Land office:

    I will need to go to the house with a phone GPS thing, but there are no road signs at all close by. I will then check when the ev transferral was done, and how - via a forged will (my brother does this).  

    Yes - a court fight in Thailand - but if I know it was transferred at land office via  forged will, or when dad had Alzheimers - this is not valid.

    I am so thankful for everyone helping - and trying to find the location.

    I mailed the estate agent (kind of local) and I gave her the address and asked if Land office can find it via the address and I found out no.


    Is it possible to enlarge the air born foto you gave me from above , as the front garden has like a small pool with dolfin statues in like bronze. The around lying houses are very small and of poor standard. This house is 2 stories, and like 7-8 rooms. It stands out!


    Thanks guys -  your help means alot - I do not have the funding to take the next flight over but plan to...




  13. Hi

    I have a bachelors degree in economy/law - and I can represent myself in court  abroad , in a simple matter like

    an inheritance battle.  Must I use a Thai lawyer in Thai court, when applying in court for grant of probate, as I

    could provide evidence of fraud with a local smart Thai speaking university graduate/student in court.


    In my country Sweden we are never forced to use a lawyer in court in  simple matters.


    Thank you for  any input.

  14. Hi,


    Re different lawyers saying it is possible to transfer house title deed via any Thai forged will,testamente

    at a rural, country side Land Office and a fake power of attorney forged in my name stating I am

    giving away my legal inheritance rights as daughter re the house title deed:


    I am Swedish, and the foreign executor for my dead father is concealing the title housedeed/land deed

    from me since 5 years. This valuable house is not noted in the formal inventory with tax gov in

    Sweden, and I have been refused to be funded via  the family client account by the foreign lawyer/executor

    for dead father to get a Thai court order for who owns the house and transferring bank funds due to

    fraud. I do not want to prepay 200 000 baht to all of the lawyers who say they want this for grant of

    probate in  Thai court.


    Out in the countryside - with no buses/trains - can the Land Office:

    transfer the title house deed (not the land deed as the girlfriend owns this I assume) via a forged

    Thai will to the children to the dead father?  A power of attorney has been drafted for me stating I

    accept a proxy agent signing any document in my name (which my brother then forges my name).

    I have been told this by a reputable lawyers firm in BKK that the more simple Land offices have no

    means of checking Thai wills, if the chldren/heirs appear at Land office asking to transfer the

    house title deed,


    Basically - as Thailand has no formal central property/estate registry via "tax gov" like in Sweden:

    it it then possible to transfer the house title deed for the house my father built to the children,

    iti they go to the land office with any Thai will, excluding me with a proxy saying I am represented

    by a fake proxy agent actinig in my name - who is signing any document in my name.


    The house is large and valuable and far out in Chock Chai.




  15. Hi - again and thanks to everyone´s help and  input:


    My dad told me the police can be bribed - when he drove too fast. Would it be possible do you think

    to ask the police for help - but the problem is they can not pass by and knock on the door due to the

    high wall.

    It is sad - as when my father died, I have been refused entry since 5 years by the GF, who is

    hiding behind the wall around the house,  estimated by an estate agent to be "valuable" - would never bother fighting otherwise.

    The Swedish foreign lawyer who with court executor title - which is not valid in Thailand without a Thai  court order, has written in a formal letter to the children that my fathers name is registered on the title deed (for the house).  By concealing the title deed from me, this asset will  never be part of the inheritanece or inventory with Tax gov.

    I can not privately pay a heft pre pay of 200 000 baht as multiple lawyers on the  UK embassy webesite want this - and then disappear when the money is payed.  (It happened to me once in Sweden.)

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  16. Addes info fr LIghtAngel


    - re the house in Ban Dan Kwian - Chock Chai - countryside  - ca 30 min fr Nakhon Ratchasima. It is not  in google maps. The address is just a "Moo  xxnumber, Band Dan Kwian."


    The house is far out in the countryside with  no real roads, and no road signs. There are ca 15 small houses on the sandy "road" so I have no road sign to refer to if I go to any Land office.


    Thanks for advice - I called Baker Mackenzie (they just do corporate stuff, and Pregotarius  give no legal

    advice over the phone.


    Thankful for any input.


    Ann Sweden


  17. Thanks ThomasBKK - I checked with multiple embassy related lawyers listed - they all only take a large prepay. .I have checked re percentage deals -  they get a percent of  money/assets recovered but nobdy

    has offered that. Will check with Bakers - I  think I called them before, they only took more

    "corporate" stuff.  I find it hard to belive it can be so easy to conceal to the number of house/land deeds and that the address means nothing when it comes to searching - like my visit at the Amphur -which shoud

    have a "copy" of the house deed/land deed nr one lawyer told me.



    Ann -. LightAngel in Sweden


  18. Hi everyone!


    I am desperate:

    The house deed number has been hidden for me for 5 years:

    Anyone here knows Thai lawyers take a large prepay and then disappear or do nothing.

    The Thai girlfriend and the lawyer for my dead father's assets have for 5 years refused to

    show the house deed/chanote number for the house dad built and that he was registered as owner of the

    house.  I can not afford a lawyer, have phoned around for free legal advice- and the house has a high wall around the

    house - so I can not knock on the door, or ask the police to knock on the door of the house.

    I visited the local amphur- with a taxi driver but there was nothing registered on the address

    my dad lived in for 15 years. I have been told I need the number of the house/land deed to

    search at Land office.


    Myt father died 5 years ago, domiciled in Thailand with a Thai girlfriend/partner.  The GF owns the land,

    and she refuses to give a copy of the land deed nr - as that can be used to search at Land office for

    the house deed number, as they are related.  I can not afford a suing case in court, privately.


    Can you help me?

    I can not go to the police as I do not have the house deed/land deed number needed in the report!

    Many thanksxxxx


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