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Posts posted by Lulu95

  1. 2 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    A 10 year <deleted> VISA? to the USA? not sure what that means....tourist type visa's are 90 days for foreigners traveling to the USA

    This is called a B-1 visa I think. Google it. Its valid for 10 years but they have to exit the country within 6 months after entry or something like that. Idk how long they have to wait to come back. I think they for example can cross the border to mexico/canada and go back the day after but im not sure

  2. 4 hours ago, simon43 said:




    Care to explain?


    2 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

    This says it all. 

    I'd rather not, I already said enough. For those who think im trolling, I never said I was some gangster kingpin, nobody cares about what I do because im not the big fish. Even if I were to get caught I'd get community service + a fine... or maximum 6 months. I dont care, ok?


    Oh yeah well unfortunately for you she already wanted to go there before we met



    • Confused 1
  3. 4 hours ago, ianezy0 said:

    I dont have a job and even if I got one the salary wouldn't meet the embassy's requirements to take her here. All the money I have now came from illegal activities back home. 


    This has to be a troll. 

    If not then you have to be one of the worlds biggest losers.

    Provide us her details so we can steer her away from you.

    Why you think Im trolling?

    • Confused 1
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  4. Im a  young European man, living in Thailand. I dont have work but have money to stay in Thailand 3-4 years. This is not the "classic story" about the girl from Isaan that I met in a bar who wants my money. Not like that, she's educated and has a high salary by thai standards.


    She wants to leave Thailand and go to other country. Before I met her she had already started to plan to go to USA with her friend. She think she gonna make more money there. I want her to follow her dream but at the same time I want to know what is important for her: Make a lot of money or stay with me? Does she care about me or she care about new experience? Is it normal to be sad because of this or am I being a baby about this?


    She has used a lot of money and time for this, her visa was denied the first time, second time she got it ("tourist visa" TEN <deleted> YEARS)....


    I cannot go there with her because its expensive compared to SEA. I cannot help her with fiancee/marriage visa  to Europe because I dont have a job and even if I got one the salary wouldn't meet the embassy's requirements to take her here. All the money I have now came from illegal activities back home. 


    My friend in europe has a girlfriend from Phillipines, been staying there with him for three years on student visas (which I'm most likely able to help her with). I feel sad because my gf spent so much energy, time and money on US visa but she never researched about Europe.  What should I do?







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