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Martin Fox

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Posts posted by Martin Fox

  1. Hi, 

    Thank you for your replies, definitely given me an insight I hadn't concidered the respect thing about paying. 

    He's far from boring and keen to do anything I suggest I just worry he is lonely hence so much TV? Thus why I wonder about does he rea9want to be home. 

    I do try talking but he has an uncanny knack of avoiding the questions. 


    Really value the comments it's helpful. 

  2. Hi, I'm very lucky I have met a Thai chap living in London and we have had an excellent 2 year relationship living independently in each others homes. However I do have some concerns about things and am not sure if it is just cultural difference. He has been widowed from a marriage to a much older English chap and this has left him very well placed financially actually better of than I and I'm very comfortable working in marketing towards the end of my career I'm 55 and he is 43.


    There are several issues I'd possibly like advice on. 

    1, My friend's are aware of his personal situation and have commented several times when we go out he never offers to take his turn in paying, this has reached the point I'm avoiding taking him to social events. Is this cultural or is it related to his past I've tried to mention it but not got far to be fair if we travel together he pays his way. 

    2, The more we are together the more I want a future as a couple but I have a nagging concern he is waiting until his UK passport is competed and will return to Thailand or at least start enjoying the money he has. Some friends have suggested he would not like to return as he would loose face, is this culturaly correct? To be honest given his wealth I cannot understand why he stays living quite a lonely life spending his days watching TV? 

    3. I treat him as an equal in all things but getting him to say what he wants to do is exhausting all he wants to do is what I suggest even when I give options saying I have been to all these places you choose. Again I wonder if this is from his past and he doesn't realise things are more equal? 


    Would welcome any comments he is a lovely man and very caring but difficult to talk to about the future? 

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