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  1. Carabao, the best tasting Thai Beer. was only available at Big C and Lotus a few months. It’s off the shelfes now.
  2. I feel the need to elaborate a little more: I am not a Danish citizen, but lived in the country for almost 40 years, worked and paid my taxes. They are high looked at it from outside, but when you think of what you get for them they are much more reasonable. I did not have to think about social security or health insurance, not paying at all for hospital, doctors consultations, my children went to good kindergartens and good schools. They received a first class university education ( 1 MA in political science and 2 medical doctors, all three with excellent jobs) for free from two universities ranking on 82th and 149th of the ranking system of the worlds best universities (Copenhagen and Aarhus). Not only did they get a totally free education until the age of 28-29, they also received money to live for since they were 18 years old. No expenses for parents or students, and if they had occasional jobs it was to finance travels and alike. - I think we received a fair share for my taxes. - But now I live full time in Thailand for the sixth year, nothing left in Denmark except children, grandchildren and a pension generated from my 40 years working in the country. And I think it would be reasonable to pay my taxes in this country. Of course not the same amount like in Danmark, because the standard is not comparable. In Thailand I need to pay for a lot of things I got for my taxes in Denmark like health insurance or education. But I still think it is reasonable to pay taxes in the country you are part of. And I think it is nonsocial to avoid paying taxes. - If you still think I am "playing the fair game with the typical liberal mindset of civic responsibility when the tax rate of your residency is lower than your mother country" you have missed some very important details - and maybe you cannot see that.
  3. I think it is rather fair to pay tax in the country you live in, and I have no respect for people avoiding paying taxes. But I would prefer paying tax of my pension here rather than in Danmark like it is now because of the double tax agreement between the two countries. I know that many countries don’t tax pensions, but DK does (37 %).
  4. I’ve lived here for five years, but never been to KFC, McDonalds, Burger King. Just don’t like their food. I love thai food and italian food. Sometimes arabic or indian, but I definitely prefer thai, best food in the world.
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