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Everything posted by Perhaps2more

  1. Vietnam, Laos and the Philippines should be the most preferred destinations. They are cheaper than Thailand and people are desperate. A lot of cheap tourists can enjoy the feeling of superiority and exploit the locals as much as they so needed, while they still feel, it is their right to do so since they are spending their small amount of money in these poor countries.
  2. I've never seen anyone walking in Brighton town centre, UK, in swimwear or having sex in public space during summer. It is not illegal to have sex in public in the UK, unless there are two members of the public witness it. ~ In Thailand, it is not acceptable and illegal, yet many tourists think, they have the right to do it because they are tourists, spending money in Thailand. ~ Tourists in Europe spend a lot more than in Thailand, with this kind of reasoning, they should have the right to do anything they like. Shouldn't they walk about naked in the Buckingham palace and have sex in the British museum? Why don't they? Is there something they respect? Why is it OK in Thailand? Is it a lowly country? ~ You are in a foreign land. It'll be wise to learn about where you are.
  3. Sorry about the repeats. Clicked "submit reply", but it didn't move and said to retry again in 10 seconds, so I kept trying. Later I tried to delete them but no delete allowed.
  4. There was a camera in the tuk tuk which you could see the money and what was happening. If the driver was scamming he would not dare going to the police.
  5. There was a camera in the tuk tuk which you could see what was happening. If the driver was scamming he would not dare going to the police.
  6. So it is possible then to go home, get the increased amount and coming out again?
  7. Don't worry! We are superior. We can do whatever we like in this cheap little country. They need to respect us. ~ New location but the same mindset as when they were at home.
  8. More like Booking.com was scammed. ~ He was expecting a refund for an Invoice not in his name, no balance shown, no break down price and no number of guests. From the main story; ( He said: "They told me to send them an invoice and they'd pay it, but then they moved the goalposts about. "Booking.com kept asking for changes to be made on the invoice before they could payout. The hotel was booked through "my brother" and Booking.com knew this. "This initial problem with the invoice was 'no balance shown', then it needed a price break down, then it needed to show "the number of guests", then it became an issue about it being in my name, then they promised to solve it if I sent a statement that correlated with the invoice, so I did. So I got a friend in Thailand to keep going to the hotel to ask them to change the invoice to send it to Booking.com but every time I did they would say it's not right. )
  9. 70 millions of them, so how many you have met, heard of, read about, to make up percentage which you called Most Thais aren't?
  10. Quite right, only in Thailand people pickpocket.
  11. And so the two New Zealanders are in a Thai prison, paying for their karma.
  12. You do not have to know what had come before to see that they were wrong. ~ You try taking a gun of a US policeman and also put him in a headlock, regardless of what has happened before which you may think, is justifiable. You will not survive. ~ At least Thai police do not shoot to kill.
  13. The video you saw is enough evidence, it is illegal in every country in the world. You do not run off when a policeman ask you to stop and then fight him and steal his gun for whatever reason you might have. It's their luck they were not in the US.
  14. Which videos were you looking at? One of them had the police in a headlock and the other one was holding the policeman's gun. Is that OK in your country?
  15. When it says for foreigners only, it means they are charging special price because these fools have no idea.
  16. That same problem happened to Thai people too when hospital staff are ignorant about the rules and laws. It has nothing to do with being Thai or being foreigners. Generalization is what racism is about.
  17. In your own country, tax system has different rates for different incomes. Local students and foreign students do not pay the same fees. I don't see people complain about that. Buddhist temples in Thailand, for local people, they are places of worship, NOT for sightseeing and National parks are supported by taxes which foreigners do not pay. That is the same idea used for higher fees for foreign students in Europe and the US.
  18. Invasive scanners used because the management is so corrupt, anything they can spend big money on they will. People watching scanners sometimes look at their colleague and smile. Do they like what they see hidden inside?
  19. You must be proud of your wife. Her idea of good and bad people going by nationalities is how westerners used when they spit on Asians, looking like her, before and after Covid period. Wise women are rare to find for sure.
  20. Dual pricing exists everywhere, in Europe between EU citizens and Non EU., in the UK and the US for local resident students and Non local resident students. In Thailand it is about few dollars more for entrance fees to places supported by local taxes but in those countries mentioned they go for few million bahts but not for few dollars.
  21. Nothing new, Thai airline service staff are the same and many Thais have been complaining for years. They usually get better when the airlines are facing bankruptcy. The same go, when foreigners say local Thais are very friendly, it only means friendly to foreigners NOT to their own. ~ Perhaps they just don't like their own kind of face when looking in a mirror. Now they are complaining foreigners are looking down on them. ~ Self-inflicted?
  22. Is there any use in translating the local name Koh Tao, to Turtle island? Local people wouldn't know where that is. All Thai words have meaning. What will happen if they translate every local name into English?
  23. They must have been employing many very creative accountants. Having avoided bankruptcy, soon will be getting more loan and then another bankruptcy, the same old pattern as usual. The same old trick the management shamelessly are never tired of.
  24. Now Thai staff are moving to Eva and bringing with them the same bias service. Not to worry if you are Caucasian or non-Asian. Thai airways' main principle was to bring in guests to Thailand but not for their lowly Thais.
  25. I wrote about all the comments here in general. What makes you think it was you I mentioned? ~ Please explain.
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