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  1. Horrific, very sad and probably all about him saving face! Better option would be to commit suicide and just have one death!
  2. Hate to sound like my father, although as I got older I finally appreciated his 2 years in a POW camp, but kids can be too woke these days and very naive! One thing when I traveled as a young man 19-21, I was always aware of my surroundings and who I was with, drugs can cut through that alertness protection, not to say he is on drugs, but things are not always what they appear to be. I hope he is going safe and sound
  3. I stopped using Grab over a year ago as their rates were getting crazy, surcharge on surcharge, hope Grab goes out of business, that’s what greed does ????????????
  4. Back in UK after living 4 years in Phuket, didn’t realize how expensive Phuket had become, especially Wine! Tourism and tax needs a complete reset in Thailand
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