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Posts posted by Anyoldname88

  1. Hi all I need some advice.


    I have a condo 12 month lease expires 16th august 2019. Planning to leave this week. (6july) which is a little over a month early. 


    I paid 2 month deposit (16000)

    Have not given notice yet. As I do not believe the deposit will be returned at all. The condo is immaculate no danage etc. I'm even leaving additions items such as storage that is useful. I will video and photo all of this before I leave 


     I have not paid the last 2 months rent.

    Agency has been useless no repairs done. Emails ignored. Very rude. 

    They didn't notify immigration of a foreigner living here and refused to pay the charge of 1600. 


    They have contacted me today as they noticed the rent hasn't been paid and have threatened to call the police if not paid immediately.


    I am willing to pay the days I've stayed that are not covered by the 2 months they already have which is around 4400 but have not informed them of this. 


    I want to know what the chances are of them calling the police or me having any issues for my final month travelling around Thailand or if I returned in the future? 


    Thanks for any helpful advice. 


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