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Posts posted by UncleFesterNightmare

  1. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I think you’ll find the vast majority of terrorists who have killed or injured people and n the UK are Irish.



    2019? Surely, you will post a footnote so that we may all see from where this "factoid" comes from, eh? I think I have read about Irish bombings in London ... or did I?

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, brianj1964 said:

    I was explaining just this exact scenario only yesterday with my former boss in the uk, I'm 55 on an O-A and require insurance, yet an 80 year old on a Non-Imm O married to a 24 year old doesn't require insurance, it doesn't make sense. I suggest everyone migrates to a Non-Imm O. I believe in insurance but not being forced into overpriced policies that probably have poor coverage

    Or go the 400k route for taking care of a Thai.  That seems easier.

  3. Just sent my child off to school.  I suggested to many of the children that they request to be able to smoke cigarettes in class.  When the teachers deny their request they will then ask them why they are breathing the equivalent of a room full of smokers?


    The school continues to hide when asked why they haven't installed air purifiers in the classrooms.






  4. 4 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

    "A stupid society believes what they are told.".....


    Not sure how you are qualified to judge an entire society and call them all stupid. Rather unfortunate comment. Makes me wonder where you are from and why you feel compelled to run others down.  

    Makes me wonder where you learned to read English.  


    I reference a stupid society.  I didn't say which society was stupid.  Try reading my quote again.

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