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Posts posted by DtingDtong

  1. Just get angry when I read in this thread. Never ever trust the staff in a pharmacy in Thailand, check with your own Dr. or on internet first. They dont know anything. I wouldnt even trust a doctor in a big hospital in this country. I always know what I want if im going to the pharmacy, but sometimes I ask them for advice just to see what they say, and I always end up laughing or get upset by their stupidity. Maybe a harsh thing to say, but its peoples health we are talking about, and giving someone the wrong medicine can have serious effects.

  2. Never ever felt satasfied with my food deliverys from chefs. Most of the time I order 2 dishes for around 7-1000 bhat and almost always throw half of it. The ones I remember I have tried is:

    Tony Roma´s - Sleezy ribs, joke of a ceasar.

    Subway - Was alright till they changed their cheese recently.

    Bourbon Street - Burger was ok, nothin more.

    Circle - Mushroom Soup was alright.

    Souvlaki - Tried yesterday, kebabwrap, meat was a bit weird, will try with chicken next time.

    Dulio´s - Pasta was okey.

    Ma Be Ba - Complete disaster, pasta with bacon and mushrooms, did almost throw up.

    Olive Kebab - Prett decent chicken wraps.

    Sunrise Tacos - Ok, but not more.

    Coyote - Quite bad mexican, but one or two eatable dishes. (Señor Pico, Rembrandt Hotel, for quality mexican food, not on chefs though)

    Waiting for a pizza from Bella Napoli at the moment, read good reviews, so hope its alright.

  3. If holiday involved it usually is if you are there next workday. You could have done a week or two ago and lost nothing - the same date would have been stamped.

    I know that I can do it whenever and still have the same date stamped, but thats not me. Guess I´ll go there on 16th and give it a try. In Worst case I get a lift by the police to the airport.

    "Bangkok Immigration Division will open counter 7 (Re-Enty) on 11, 14, 15 April 2009 from 08.00 hrs.-12.00 hrs."

    posted on9 Apr 2009

    Think I would be possible to extend touristvisa during these days?

  4. This is from Immigration's Website:

    Bangkok Immigration Division will open counter 7 (Re-Enty) on 11, 14, 15 April 2009 from 08.00 hrs.-12.00 hrs.

    posted on9 Apr 2009


    Anyone know if it would be possible to extend a touristvisa during these days? My visa expires april 14th, and would rather take a taxi inside Bangkok then leave the country.

  5. Moved in my condo about one month ago, in Bangkok. Been trying to get CAT Hinet G.SHDSL during this time (5 weeks) and they keep saying, wait 2 weeks, wait 1 week etc. And getting really tired of this. Cuz I really need a internet connection at home to be able to work. Anyway, the lines are from TOT, so true is not an option, and from what I´ve read TOT really sucks. Thats why I have tried to get CAT. But Yesterday I called the owner of my apartment and told him to make some calls and ask whats going on, he called me back and said that they will start the work and it will take another month(!)

    And I cant wait that long, so my question is, what is the best option if you are stuck with a TOT line? I tought there was only one choice. But I found a couple of other isp´s that are available even if you have a TOT line. Like Ji-NET, they have DSL-BizConnext 2 Mbps, DSL-Max Lite 2 Mbps, DSL One2 Connext. And maybe there are others?

    Stability is very important for me. Of course I want high download speed, but for work I need a stable line without package losses, which I know is almost impossible to achieve in this country.

    So is there anyone that have a connection that they are satisfied with on their TOT line?

  6. Just moved, and managed to clog both toilets in the same day. I do use a lot of paper, thats why. But it has never happened with western toilets. Anyway, where can I find a plunger in Bangkok? Or maybe some chemical stuff that resolves the paper..? Any method that fixes the problem is appreciated.

    Have tried with the "bumhose", unscrewed the top and put the hose down the toilet and put the water on, didnt help. Tried with a plastic clothes hangar, didnt help. Tried to pour water from high above the toilet, didnt help. So its a nasty one..:/

  7. Alcohol is available at Tesco, Carrefour, Foodland and other stores throughout their opening hours provided you buy more than ten litres.

    Is this true? Even during the ban period? Anything u need to know? Or can you just walk to the counter with 3 boxes of chang and pay up? lol, sounds a bit too good.. :o

  8. I did spend 180,000-200,000 á month over a longer period in the country, mostly in Bkk. Did stay in nice hotels though, and went out quite much. If I return I hope 100,000 per month will be enough for me plus gf in a condo around 30,000. Will need som magic for that to happen I think :o.

  9. Did also look for one before I went home after 8 months in Thailand. Had zero tan after this time, and the only thing I did find was a salon that was about to open in may. I dont remember their website though. But try to google, they claimed they was the first tanningsalon in Bkk/Thailand.

  10. It is a sad state of affairs to be even asking about a divorce even before your married and shows mistrust right away on your side. How would you be feeling if she asked these questions of you. Will he take half my money and such. What if she wanted a prenup from you is the better question.

    I dont need a moralizing sermon. And as I said before in this post she was the one who meationed the prenup minutes after she brought up marriage. Its just foolish to belive that two people are going to trust,respect and adore each other forever, sad but the truth. And Im also very sure two people can live together and love each other even if they made a prenup along with the marriage.

    So please no more knights in shining armor.

  11. Thanks for all the response. Saw a lot of questions, I´ll try to answer some of them. Im not really that into marriage, the main reason im thinking about it is cuz of visa reasons. When she first meantioned it to me I got pretty suprised. She said we could just sign the papers so she could visit me in my homecountry without any bigger visatroubles.

    I said no, seemed like a quite extreme thing to do. But now im thinking about it again, cuz of the laws have changed and its not so easy to stay in the country for longer periods.

    Im not seeing us together in 10 years from now, and therefore children is not an option. Even she have meantioned it to me a couple of times that she would like to have a baby in the future. And as someone said here, the best thing is probably to live together for some time and then decide about marriage.

    And retirementvisa is not an option, cuz im too young, even younger than her, :o .

  12. ....a pre-nup to Thai woman is an indication of mistrust, nothing else

    So noble of you. Just because you trust a person at the moment doesnt mean you´ll always do it. Im just being realistic about the future, if she or anyone else would say I mistrust them cuz I wanna make this paper says a lot more, then the fact that I wanna make the Prenup. And yes, the fact that this is a thaigirl makes me a lot more cautious. The mentality is so much different from the* western world (*rest of the world?).

  13. DD, as you're quite new, welcome to the board and just a tip.

    You'll find loads of answers to your questions in the existing threads.

    Don't be put off by some the answers you'll get to your post.

    There are quite a few cynics and fruitloops thinking up things to fire at you right now.

    Actually I did searh the forum. Spent about half an hour for answers, cuz I was pretty sure the question had been answered many times before. But didnt find what I was looking for.

  14. The worrying thing is you are taliking about divorce before marriage, can i ask you a question, are you really serious?

    First, Im not even sure I want to make this happend, just looking into it. And the reason Im talking about divorce before marriage should be quite clear. Dont want to make a huge mistake and loose the bigger part of my assets if/when a possible divorce occurs. And im just realistic here, most marriages ends in a divorce, plain fact.

    BTW DD, one of the best things that I forgot to mention in my previous post about the obvious economic advantage of a Prenup that would allow you to keep all your assets in case of divorce is the fact that most woman who are just out for your money, will usually not be willing to sign a Prenup.

    About a year ago, a good friend of mine told me he was planning to marry his girlfriend of 5 months in LOS. I advised him to tell her that he would need a Prenup before marrying her. When she tried and tried but finally realized she could not talk him out of a Prenup, he could not believe how quickly her attitude toward him changed and it became quickly apparent to him that she really more interested in his money and not him so it was all over very quickly.

    Thanks for the good advice. Actually she was the one who meantioned this to me, about the Prenup. And I guess in case of a divorce I will keep all my assets, both in Thailand and homecountry?

    Anyway, find it quite scary that she would be entitled to 50% of what I have outside Thailand aswell. I mean who knows what I have except me? I could put up offshore accounts all over the world without no one knowing..

  15. Are you still able to buy a condo/apartment as a farang in thailand? And are there any monthly fees after you bought a condo, except electricity/water? I mean for maintenance.

    And I would also like to know how the market is? I know there is a lot of condos for rent and sale in Bangkok. But how is the demand? Would it be very hard to sell a condo overtime?

  16. First, will you be able to stay permanent in the country if you do marry a thaigirl?

    And are there any legal issues you should be aware of? Like:

    * Does the marriage affect anything in your own country?

    * What happends if she takes a bankloan without paying back?

    * At divorce, is she entitled to any of my moeny in Thailand or my homecountry?

    And are there other things you should think about before marrying a thaigirl?

  17. Would also be thankful for some reliable information regarding this. Lived in thailand for a while, and not even the greatest hotels in Bangkok is able to offer a stable connection. Slow, downtime occured frequently. Funny thing is, they say you get a 5Mbit line, but the truth is the whole hotel share that line. But im more interested in a solution for an apartment in Bkk this time.

  18. Looking out across the greater BKK metropolis I see well nothing because the sky is a very thick white. It almost looks like a snowy sky. What is that stuff? I guess it's pollution but maybe I'm wrong. As I said on another thread I've had a dry cough for some time now and I really am starting to believe it is from the air. I've never heard of air quality reports here. Do they have air quality information for Bangkok anywhere? There are many things wrong with Thailand but I think this one may just be the one that does me in. It sure is funny that the local people don't seem to talk much about air quality here.

    Dont know what that is. But the air is apparently not the best. Have had the cough for about two weeks myself.

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