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skint UK

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Posts posted by skint UK

  1. I am 63, from London, UK and married to a Thai lady and have lived in Khon Kaen for nearly 2 years with an O-A visa which expires on 30/12/219. I want to avoid buying Thai health insurance, needed for a further O-A renewal, due to a health issue, believing it is a complete waste of money and would offer no additional benefit than simple travel insurance for me. So, some time ago, I decided I would switch to a married visa for the next renewal.
    Last year’s O-A renewal was approved because I showed a letter from UK Embassy Bangkok verifying my income but the service has discontinued, apparently, and Thailand Immigration only appears to accept foreign transfers to a non-joint, Thai bank account. I opened a single name Thai bank account in April 2019 and began transferring funds from UK there before transferring to joint accounts to be used. Today Thai IO said the bank statement fails for 2 reasons (a) Although 700,000 Baht transferred in 8 months, there is 1 month where less than 40,000 Baht was transferred (b) There must be 12 consecutive calendar months of 40,000 or greater shown. AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!
    Possible Solutions (I already travel to London about every 3 months)

    1.    I am already travelling to London soon and returning 8 December with 3 weeks remaining on my visa. If I get a new UK passport in London & return as a tourist, could I extend the 30 days to 90 then go back to London and return as a tourist again? After that, I will have a perfect bank statement for a marriage visa!
    2.    Pay 20,000 Baht under the table money for a firm to get my marriage visa, like my mate has done twice already.
    3.    Return on 8 December with original passport & try to persuade the IO at the airport that I need longer than 3 weeks at this very busy time of year so please apply a renewable tourist visa to my passport. (I have 5 hours to kill before my ongoing flight to KK!)

    I would welcome any feedback, suggestions or criticism on this.
    Many thanks


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