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Phuket Pete

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  1. Agricultural burning, thick black smoke bellowing from unroadworthy vehicles and garden fires burning toxic waste every evening. If you do nothing at all about any of this then don't be surprised at the damage it is doing. Still, with any luck it will keep the idiot tourists away and condo prices will come crashing down. Suits me !
  2. When the Governments own land office charges 10,000 baht Special Land Officer Fee - 'if you want it done without problem' then there really is no hope.
  3. ...And yet you continue to ignore black smoke bellowing from Exhaust pipes and garden fires every day. Phuket is one of 64 provinces choking every day. If you want to kill Thai tourism just carry on. Suits me !
  4. Being soft on Criminals has been the scourge of the UK. Carry on as you were Thailand and don't allow this namby-pamby approach to attract undesirables. Fed up of being embarrassed by fully grown fellow countrymen who cant behave themselves - Drunken Brit smashes up 7-11 / Stoned Brit crashes motorbike into crowd / brawls with security guards / British man Robs tourist / abuses children.
  5. Don't bring it back to Thailand luv, the Taxman will now be after you !
  6. 6 months in a Thai Jail should make him see the error of his ways ! - No need to blacklist him. I doubt he'll ever want to come back. 🤣
  7. They better hurry up and clarify matters, otherwise Thai Developers and Real Estate Agents will never sell another condo again and likely go bust. I would guess that agreed sales are already being cancelled.
  8. Let's hope this adverse publicity doesn't deter people from investing in the Thai property market ! Talk about 'kill the goose that lays the golden egg' ! 🤣🤣.
  9. Lock him up for a year, then deport and blacklist. Embarrassment to Western Tourists and Expats. Embarrassment to Britain.
  10. Where are the human rights lawyers when they are really needed ? This is the work you are supposed to be doing, but I guess fighting for the rights of illegal immigrants and known criminals at the expense of the British Taxpayer is far more lucrative. Morally corrupt - Shame on you.
  11. He's guilt-ridden about being a draft dodging coward, so now he's over here kicking off, trying to prove what a tough guy he is ! Don't encourage any more like him. Shave his head, lock him up for a year and send him back - forever blacklisted and with maximum publicity.
  12. We now learn that he built the steps on public land. Glad to see that the Thai couple are professional people and unlikely to be bought off with 5,000 baht compensation. Jail and then Deport this Coward.
  13. Visitors to the Big Buddha in Phuket today were unable to see the normally magnificent views. Instead, it will be their hazy, pollution filled photographs that now appear on social media posts all over the world. WAKE UP THAILAND ! The world is now an environmentally conscious place. Uncontrolled agricultural burning, garden fires and thick black smoke belching from thousands of vehicles is causing immense damage to Thailand, its people and its economy. URGENT ACTION IS NOW REQUIRED.
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