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Posts posted by PattayaPhil

  1. 28 minutes ago, Thainesss said:

    My god that was a train wreck and didnt go at all how the left thought it would. 

    It certainly appears that Mueller was just a figurehead of the whole investigation doing nothing more than giving it gravitas. 

    You have to wonder how this debacle is going to affect Biden's campaign moving forward. Mueller is 74. Biden is 76. I have a feeling that a lot of the Democratic Powers that be are going to be a lot more adamant about Biden getting out on the trail and proving himself capable of withstanding the rigors of a Presidential Test.

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  2. 49 minutes ago, BestB said:

    that is only part of my post, Korea fired warning shots but Korea also said 2 jets never entered its airspace, so what and why were they shooting?

    The incident took place over some disputed rocks in the Sea of Japan:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liancourt_Rocks_dispute


    Perhaps the purpose was just to ignite a little agitation between Japan and South Korea by seeing if the Koreans would "defend" territory Japan claims is theirs and being illegally occupied by the Koreans. Japanese did in fact get pissed at the South Koreans, so if that was the intent it worked.

  3. 6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    And what does that have to do with Trump making stupid and antagonizing comments for no good reason?

    The comments were neither stupid nor antagonizing. The US nuclear arsenal could indeed end the Afghan war in less than a week because if fully unleashed, it could effectively end Afghanistan. But Trump doesn't want to do that because he believes it immoral. To the contrary, he wants to work out a deal and pull the US out of Afghanistan altogether (unlike the majority of the US and EU Foreign Policy Establishment who want America to stay forever).


    Pakistani PM says, "Thank God for President Trump". Seems like the people with actual skin in the game understand what Trump is trying to do just fine. https://thehill.com/policy/international/454365-pakistan-pm-without-trump-conflict-in-afghanistan-could-have-continued

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  4. 13 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    I feel a bit sorry for mueller....he is looking like he has alzheimer or parkinson or a combo of both...

    feeble, doddering, hesitant, its not my purview.


    His reputation is toast....huge debacle for the naughty Dems....yuuuge victory and exoneration (in

    court of sane opinion) for Trump

    You have to wonder what the Democrats thought process was in calling him in the first place. What did they think would possibly come out? That there was some secret smoking gun he just forgot to put in the report? Terrible performance by Mueller on a personal level and Republicans seem to have found their own smoking gun moment with the exchange about Misfud:




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