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Posts posted by JohnnyTwoDog

  1. Getting a test kit for Chlorine and PH is a good start. Those tests won’t give you a clue about more complex problems though.


    Green pools are almost always from either algae or dissolved metals such as copper.


    Algae can be controlled by sanitation with chlorine and algicides. If there are other problems with the pool Chemistry sanitation will have a limited effect.


    for example if phosphates or nitrates are high much more chlorine and algicides are needed and that gets costly.


    Nitrates and phosphates are a byproduct of organic material in the pool and human waste, sweat etc. phosphates can easily be reduced with chemicals. When nitrates are high the only solution is to drain and refill the pool. 


    A chlorine and ph test kit is cheap. Test kits for Nitrates, phosphates and metals are pricy upwards of $100 US dollars.


    Copper and other metals can be reduced with chemicals. There are specific commercial products for this purpose.


    low amounts of Copper will actually help keep algae in Check without turning the pool green. I use a product called Pristine Blue which is copper based. Chlorine is still needed for sanitation. The company recommends sanitizing with a chlorine shock every two weeks. I sanitize my single family residential pool least once a week. And More often when the grandkids use it.


    i just started getting frequent algae. I tested for phosphates and nitrates. Nitrates were close to zero but phosphates were moderately high. I used a popular phosphate reducer and have a nice clean pool again.


    Algae is a slimy growth. If the pool does not have slippery growth the green problem is likely metals.


    pools need to be tested weekly and treated as recommended by the tests. The cost to treat and maintain a single family pool is reasonable. A large condo pool could get expensive and may be why your management company is not more interested.

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