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Posts posted by drbeach

  1. Anyway, to sort of make some final comments here.


    Firstly, if only "nearly 1 in 6" Britons, which means around 15%, since 1 in 6 would be 16.67%, are concerned about safety of a rushed vaccine, that should be nothing to worry about for most pro-vaxxers or governments that want to push this shot on the population at large. It shows that a large majority of the population blindly trusts authority, even in our home countries.


    As has repeatedly been stated in the comments here, including from some less emotional pro-vaxxers, herd immunity may range from say 60% up to 95%. It's never 100%. I may have mentioned already that for this future covid shot, I've seen various references to a 60-70% figure being made in various media, from the USA to Australia. 100% is an unrealistic not to mention unnecessary goal.


    Yinn thinks the authorities are going to chase down every last Thai, down to forest dwellers living in the remotest corners of Thailand and forcibly inject them. Even under the most tyrannical scenario, I don't see that happening since it would require unrealistically large resources and in the absence of an electronic tracking system there's no way of achieving this goal. Besides, this country, with the additional resources it has gained to "fight" this "pandemic" doesn't even have the ability to effectively police the border to prevent migrant laborers from neighboring countries from coming in. Some are caught (the ones we read/hear about in the media) but many more probably make it across successfully. It can't control the death toll on the roads or a lot of other things too.


    Lastly for as much as many Thais seem to be easy to manipulate especially in a time of panic, I have yet to see many Thais be as passionate about taking away the rights of their fellow citizens and preach an extremely polarized position as she/he whoever this "Yinn" person is. Such rhetoric is unfortunately very common back home in our countries and the media does it's part.


    In fact, in Thailand the mainstream media still occasionally reports on vaccine injuries. There was one report I overheard on the TV news when I was sitting inside a restaurant up in northern Thailand sometime around September last year. It was about a baby who's legs became "floppy" after receiving a vaccination (might have been a tetanus shot, can't remember now). Such a report wouldn't be allowed to air on Australian TV anymore, and unlikely to make it onto any of the mainstream TV channels in the USA either (perhaps the local ones would allow it). In America (I have access to American cable TV here) you have HPV vaccination commercials and all manner of pharmaceutical advertising, which is banned in Thailand. From what i understand, only over the counter pain medications like "Sara" can be advertised on Thai TV. Herbal and alternative medicines seem to be OK though.


    So I think the overall vaccine narrative in Thailand is still a long way behind that in the west. It's easy however for someone trying to create spin to cherry pick stories like some guy in America who refused to wear a mask and punched a bus driver when he was asked to get off, while ignoring similar stories happening locally (a point I raised previously).


    Anyway, I think this topic is now done for me. Especially when we have a troll that tries to speak for Thai people who probably isn't even Thai and apparently has multiple aliases. We're wasting our time continuing here.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Yinn is what Thais call ผีบ้า. She thinks everyone should stop thinking for themselves and just obey, obey, obey as they teach Thai kids in public schools that are amongst the worst in SE Asia. Just listen to propaganda and be a drone, never mind there are doctors who themselves don't believe the propaganda. People like her are very very easy to manipulate. It's hilarious!


    No wonder Thailand's economy is going down the toilet. Factories are closing, stores, restaurants, businesses are never going to re-open. She thinks business owners will take a vaccine to be allowed to re-open, even though a vaccine may never happen and even if it does, it will be years before a viable one is in place. Not to mention businesses won't last that long. The worst is far from over. Many businesses will shut down in the coming months even if there is no second lockdown. Suicides are far higher than the measly death toll attributed to this "virus". Some of these deaths aren't necessary even correlated with or caused by the virus to begin with. I listened to the news conference in the car on my way to Laos in early March about the first death. The spokesperson repeatedly insisted that the individual who died was already sick and he passed away WITH covid not FROM covid. Big difference. Same thing that's been happening in the USA. And don't get me started on the 50-60 traffic deaths daily in Thailand. And that's probably an underestimate.


    Anyway, as I've repeatedly stated to no avail it seems, any vaccine requirement will NOT be implemented in the way she thinks. There is not even any mandatory vaccination legislation in Thailand, other than a vague reference in a pandemic situation ONLY. That said, a vaccine will almost certainly NOT arrive before the pandemic is declared as over. Here are some resources which state this: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/resources

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  3. 14 hours ago, Zikomat said:

    I heard the same advices just a week ago. I am not going anywhere. The amnesty will be extended again since the overall situation with Covid is not going to change any time soon.

    By all means wait until the last few days of the amnesty to make an extension but don't assume it will be extended again. I would go around September 21 or 22 but without the expectation of an automatic extension.

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    Yeah, that 1 farang is supposed to get special treatment? 

    Sure, if 10000 foreign laborers can, then surely a farang can too, and has already been confirmed, it's been happening.


    Besides, if the only option were to fly from Cambodia transiting in Seoul, then what's the point? Would be far cheaper spending several more months waiting it out there. I certainly wouldn't be prepared to spend US$3000 or more on a flight to Thailand...I'd stay in Cambodia until the restrictions are loosened or go back to my home country.

  5. On 7/24/2020 at 4:30 PM, jdlancaster said:

    Some westerners have already crossed. The embassy has also said it's possible, but difficult to arrange (ASQ needs to pick you up).

    Thanks for confirming that, which is what I expected to be the case. Being forced to spend god knows how many thousands of dollars/Euro/whatever to fly 5 hours up to Korea and then 5 hours back to Thailand instead of being allowed to travel a couple of hundred km by road would be the most ridiculous thing in the world.

  6. 55 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm waiting in the expectation of another amnesty extension.

    My Non-O is valid until April 2021, no need to visit Suvannakhet or HCMC.

    I doubt there will be another amnesty extension...indications are this is the last one. I assume you mean your visa is valid until then. That's not relevant unless you can travel. My visa is also valid until Mar 2021, but I expect to do a 60-day extension in September and then a 1-year extension in late November. This assumes borders still aren't open by then. I have plenty of time to prepare.


    My advice to you is - be prepared to extend in late September, in the final days before the deadline draws to a close. While there is always a small chance of another limited extension, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. Although the recent extension was almost inevitable, with the world slowly opening up again, I don't think there will be another one. Other countries like Indonesia have already given tourists a notice to leave since July 13 (they have one month to depart). New Zealand originally extended visitor visas from March 25 to Sep 25, which is a similar date to Thailand. This to me indicates something.

    • Confused 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    This is the final call for all passengers who are eligible and meet the requirements for extensions, to do so before Sept 26th, or depart, because from Sept 27th your on overstay.

    They want to get their house back in order and for you to sort your Immigration status out.


    If your going to wait until Sept 23rd to make a decision in the hope the route to HCMC or Savannakhet opens, you better get down to your local Temple every day and light as many candles as you can and pray for a miracle, because the Messiah has already left the building.


    I wouldn't count on easy border options to be available by then. Whenever land and air borders do open in the region, they'll all re-open within days of each other, as happened when they closed...


    There is always some chance that borders within the region could be open by late September but as you have correctly suggested and as the notice indicates, applicants really need to get their extensions done on or prior to Sep 26.

    • Like 2
  8. 12 hours ago, checkered flag said:

    First. Citing the WHO as a source is stupid, they have zero credibility as far as C19. Second, when you leave I hope you don't continue talking trash for others to read, unless you are just trolling.

    Hmm? You're a pro vaxxer who says the WHO has no credibility? You do realize it' the WHO which imposes vaccine requirements, such as the yellow fever one around the world? It's also the WHO who is telling governments how to handle this crisis.


    You are a troll and a terrible one at that.

    • Haha 2
  9. On 7/24/2020 at 6:57 PM, Why Me said:

    You are allowed to have opinions, question stuff and ingest what you like on your own dime. But you are not allowed to endanger others. Polio, rubella, measles and on and on were eliminated (well, except where loons rule) thanks to mass vaccination. The way the herd stays safe is the herd vaccinating. We're as strong as our weakest link.


    Now, off to the anti-vax loon forum with you, doc.

    Your authoritarian tone is what's endangering others. And none of what you are saying is even close to true. All those diseases had declined to almost zero BEFORE vaccines for them came into use.

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  10. 10 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    There is a reason now. 

    Borders closed and requirements for reentry may be very difficult. 

    They may even suspend visa exempt entries. Obtain non o (marriage) 

    They have already suspended visa exempt entries. Whether they will re-instate them eventually, remains to be seen. However, I don't see why they wouldn't. Even if future entry requirements hinged upon showing a covid certificate visa exempt entry wouldn't present an obstacle. You would simply show such a certificate to get on a flight.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Expat Tom said:

    Whatever they say will change tomorrow. They have yet to come up with consistent policies pre-pandemic so the CCP Wuhan Virus will not change that. I have used the same visa service for several years and have NEVER had a problem. The price is reasonable and everything is handled professionally. I they do all 90 day reporting, extensions, etc. 

    I would suggest that if you can't afford a good visa service perhaps you need to look for a less confusing country to live in.

    Visa services can really be a godsend especially during these uncertain times.


    But I don't expect anything about this amnesty to change. It's very clear to me, and has been since the first announcement was made in the media about 10 days ago.

  12. 10 hours ago, innosiem said:

    what party ?
    i am on ME 
    get a 60 day til end November and a 1 year if i must, it is no biggie

    many on ME just have not had the need to get a 1 year extension until now
    as many like myself simply do not usually stay here 90 days at a time 
    (yes i can meet all requirements)

    what is it on TVF with the descending attitude towards those on ME visas ?

    Yep. My situation is similar to yours. Will do the 60 day in September, taking me to late November. If borders still aren't open by then, I get a 1-year extension.


    I agree that no one is breaking up families - just need to meet the financial requirements and all is good.

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/19/2020 at 10:02 PM, JimmyJ said:

    The closest equivalent of 7-11 is VinMart, although they all close before midnight (as far as I know at least).

    All prices clearly marked.





    There is also Family Mart in Vietnam. As I said, CP's 7-11 is likely to enter Vietnam soon. They've already entered Myanmar and Laos is on the agenda too.

  14. On 7/23/2020 at 4:54 PM, Burma Bill said:

    That is correct - NO TOURIST VISAS only special visas for business people, investors, construction engineers (for on-going projects), diplomats/VIPs and medical/scientific experts. But a glimmer of hope (from Khmer Times):-


    July 23, 2020

    Cambodian government agrees in principle to waive $50,000 insurance policy and $3,000 deposit for incoming travelers

    Prime Minister Hun Sen has approved in principle to eliminate the $3,000 deposit, and $50,000 insurance for investors, business people and experts.

    That could take a while to happen in practice and doesn't apply to most of us. A sponsoring company would be needed. Basically it's another way of saying: "rich VIPs can get in more easily provided they have sponsors to vouch for them".

    • Thanks 1
  15. 27 minutes ago, Why Me said:

    Hey Mods,

    There's an "I drink too much" forum, "I'm too fat" forum. How about an "I'm an anti-vax loon" forum? Then the halfwits can mingle with their own kind and tell each other conspiracy theories.


    Here's one to get the loon forum started: Moderna's taken 7 1/2 billion from Bill Gates so that their vaccine will contain a nano chip that will implant itself in the brain so that if you try to download any OS other than Microsoft you will suffer unbearable pain in your left toe. Alex Jones said so.


    Like they say you can't fix stupid. But at least you can give them their own area out of sight of the rest of us.

    Yes you can't fix stupid like your post. People are allowed to have opinions, question things and choose what goes into our bodies. All you're doing is using a classic debating tactic called a "strawman" by using logical fallacies and ad hominems/name calling to denigrate valid concerns people have. And if you don't like it, why are you here?


    And quoting a known controlled opposition character like Alex Jones makes you look even more ridiculous. I know a lot of what Alex says is actually true, but when he talks about wacky things like "Arabs control Hollywood" then you know it's time to stop listening because that's clearly untrue. That's the point of controlled op - to bring you up to a certain level of knowledge but not more. Most of us don't follow Alex Jones though and I certainly don't.


    Anyway, you can go and get your covid shot if you want. No one is denying you that. I would suggest contacting Chulalongkorn University to see if they'll accept a foreigner as one of their trial guinea pigs.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Yinn said:

    If thai government say foreigner must vax or get out, what will you do?

    Won't happen like that. IF and that's a big IF the Thai government imposes a mandatory vaccination requirement, it will apply first and foremost to Thais. Same as in China. Applies to Chinese citizens but NOT foreigners. https://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/china-vaccine-law-passed/


    Requiring a vaccine for getting on a plane or to enter the country, is a different story. But of course, it applies equally to all. Same as the current yellow fever requirement - in practice, from what I've observed, this is what happens.


    ONLY at international airports, incoming passengers who look African are pulled aside and may be asked for yellow fever certificates. If they are arriving from a non-yellow fever zone, they don't have to show anything. If they're arriving from parts of Africa in the yellow fever zone, they may need to show something.


    A westerner or Thai arriving from Africa may or may not be picked out of the queue for the same purposes.


    And as I've said before - I highly doubt there will be a vaccine requirement across the board to stay or live in the country for anyone. At best, they can try imposing such a requirement to enter crowded places using an app as proof. No one's coming to your house to put a shot in your arm.

    • Thanks 1
  17. Just now, ubonjoe said:

    That is what it means. But some offices might have to be reminded of the new order.

    I think I would do it a about mid September.

    Yes that is my plan. Even if they started it from the date of application, I wouldn't go in on the last day, but around a week or 10 days before. Still, according to the infographic it appears they are starting them on Sep 27.

  18. 27 minutes ago, david555 said:

    the existing 1 year ret ext. just keep same , on their same period to renew, only those outside Thailand with expiring ret. ext. shall be needed to start all over whenever (?) they can come back in to Thailand  

    Yes. Totally different scenario for those outside of thailand. For those already on extensions of stay, keep renewing as normal.

  19. On 7/8/2020 at 3:59 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    - Wore a mask just because he was scared his visa would be refused. 

    - Thinks Thai’s are racist if he is asked to put his mask on.

    - Does not trust Bill Gates and things there is a ‘herd thinning’ conspiracy. 

    - All ‘Patients’ got sick after they were tested (well of course, they were in hospital because they were sick, no?)

    - Will never ever wear a mask

    - Will never ever get tested

    - Will never ever get vaccinated



    One question.... How much weed did you smoke to get this paranoid ????????


    Is it me are are there a few whack-jobs out there who believe they must go against the grain at every step, those who are always anti-authority, those who think their civil rights are being eroded if they are asked to wear a mask. 

    The same characteristics always appear - the same paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories. 

    The same type of person who hates the ’nanny state’ and calls others ‘sheeple’, the type of person who works so hard to prove he can ‘fight authority’ at every step and prove he is not ’sheeple’.... 




    He may be right about some of those things (don't judge him too much) but thinking he would need to wear a mask to not be singled out by Thais is obviously over the top. No one was wearing or asked to wear a mask before around the latter part of March.


    I don't trust Bill Gates either. So what. He thinks he's the world's foremost doctor/epidemiologist yet he has zero medical qualifications. He doesn't even have a university degree. Why should we trust someone just because they have a ton of money?


    Speaking of paranoia, the only paranoid ones are the ones religiously wearing their masks and preying for a covid vaccine to "save them".

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