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Posts posted by Nevalern

  1. Isn't there always 2 versions of what happened? Many condemn from only a photo and a newspaper headline which would only be nothing but the truth as they never embellish to get a view/click. 

    Its a bit sad. Dont get wrong I'm not condoning these type of  actions. I'm just highlighting the mob mentality that still exists in this day and age. And its sad ???? 

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  2. On 5/18/2020 at 11:14 AM, smedly said:

    where all these deliveries going to the same address ?


    If so sounds like a party was in progress so they were breaking lockdown rules 


    I was also out and about today for a bike ride and it became evident that not all beaches are closed when you travel out of pattaya - a beach I visited today had a sign "open 8am - 4pm of course it was what I would class as a Thai beach

    Classed as a Thai beach?? Is that because it's in Thailand?

  3. On 5/10/2020 at 4:13 PM, Neeranam said:

    This island has always had its share of nuts. When I lived there in 1992, when the full moon parties were getting popular, 200 people on the main beach, there were drugs openly sold. 

    I knew one guy who was decapitated by a sword. 

    My best childhood friend had his bungalow on the beach burned down when he inside at 4 am and had to escape the island on a fishing boat. 

    Really? Your comparing it to 28 years ago??? Lol

    • Like 2
  4. On 5/12/2020 at 10:24 AM, VocalNeal said:

    Police have nothing to go on! 



    Ok well someone had to say it.


    On 5/12/2020 at 2:59 PM, PETERTHEEATER said:


    rism! See Post # 2. Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect ThB 200

    On 5/12/2020 at 10:24 AM, VocalNeal said:

    Police have nothing to go on! 



    Ok well someone had to say it.

    They stole the Flushers, not the toilets. They can still go, just can't flush

    • Like 1
  5. Hi all, Just curious on the Big Bike parking. In Australia a Big Bike is anything over 600cc but here it is 300cc. A Yamaha R15 is 150cc and is the same size wise as a Yamaha R3 which is 300cc. My friend was denied entry to a westgate parking section when there was plenty of spaces but because the badge said R15 he wasnrt allowed quite sternly. We thought it was a bit OTT considering I was on an R3 and was next to him and bikes are nearly equal in all dimensions. Keen to learn and hear more... Thanks


  6. 4 hours ago, strabel23 said:

    You are asking questions on Thai visa that should be addressed by a Thai lawyer. Anyones opinion is just an opinion based on an assumption. Do yourself a favor and get proper legal advice from a certified lawyer

    I have spoken to a couple of Thai lawyers and I have received more and better information on here than they could give me. Just because they're certified doesn't mean much in this country, look at all the certified English teachers in this country certified by Thai government as is on work permit. But I hear you and am narrowing it down to a couple.

  7. 7 hours ago, fullcave said:

    Another thing to consider is that in Thailand in custody dispute in most cases the daughter goes with the father and if it's a boy it goes to the mother. Not sure why but every Thai knows that including your estranged wife. Most likely this is why she has not already stollen her. 

    Yes I have been told this many times. Onward and upward. Cheers


  8. 6 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    So you married this woman after 3 months. (4 years - 3 years 9 months)

    How old is the "daughter"  must be under 3.3 years yes?  (4 years - 9 months)

    If your wife is habitual liar, did you ever consider the young girl may not be your biological daughter?  After realizing she has 2 other children from other men?


    If you are married when child is born, yes you are deemed the "father" in Thai courts.

    If you are not biological father, then you may want to go a different route. 

    You would need to get a DNA test, go to court, etc...


    Always cynical when it comes to lying women am I. 


    Just an observation 

    Child is mine DNA/ Blood tests done at birth. With her lies at first I gave her benefit of doubt. Lesson learned or nothing earned.


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ericthai said:

    Hopefully the agent he used for the 1 year extension really did the work and got real stamps.  There have been reports of agents using fake stamps. 

    OP I would make two plans.

    Plan 1)  leave Thailand and try work things out with the IO on exit 

    Plan 2) Start making arrangements to move your daughter and live somewhere else for 1 year.

    Wish you luck!

    Thank you all. I need to find an immigration lawyer but as they say the better they are the more expensive they are. Thailand keeps on about family so I am hoping that since I am raising my daughter here in Thailand and as my Thai wife walked away from her duties as a wife and mother plus for the last 4 years I haven't messed up with visas before they will let it go with just a fine......  Shit now I'm paranoid that the stamps are fake...thanks ericthai..lol

    Thanks to everybody for your comments and suggestions. I'll keep you all updated...


    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    I have not seen an atomic bomb detonated either but sure as hell from my education it would concern me . Or are you suggesting the Japanese have no education regarding WW2 like the Thais ?

    Spitfires werent really the enemy of Japan. It was the mustangs and B52

    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    How should a lawyer help? OP broke the law, the law (a ministerial order actually) says 1 year ban if he surrenders.

    His only hope is to find an IO who is willing to not apply the law when he leaves the country. We are talking about a personal favor here, not about law.

    A favour as in baht. Open to a recommendation if you know someone


  12. 5 minutes ago, kevinmartyn said:

    Really their is NO excuses for being an overstay and not knowing the Thai rules! The bottom line is that you are in the wrong! Sorry but you know the system and number 12, come on

    No ones denying that I'm in the wrong. I know that. I'm not blaming anyone and I'm not on here sobbing. But thanks for confirming for me I was starting to wonder.

  13. 7 hours ago, HampiK said:

    Actually even worse. Knowing to have a problem, but wait 2 more month till it will be a really big issue with a possible ban!

    And No i didnt wait 2 months after the fact to do something, I waited 2 months to put it on here. I've been trying to figure out a solution  along with  battling my ex over my daughter. Some of us arent as perfect as others and emotions  filled with betrayal, anger, and despair  can put a speed bump in our logical thought mode.

  14. 6 hours ago, MJKT2014 said:

    And this is helpful because?


    The op needs to find an agent to help him out on off chance he could get some sympathy points. Needs to act fast.

    Any suggestions on an Agent that could help would be appreciated. And then do I pay them upfront in the hope they can fix it for them to come back and say No cant help. No refund because I cant go to the police..


  15. 2 minutes ago, mike787 said:

    If she wanted the same you would not be in this hell now.  You stated, she lied, that = no integrity.  She is not interested in the same values that you believe in.  Can you see that?

    I can now...hindsight is a beautiful thing.... so is a headshot at 600 metres as dad use to say

  16. 30 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    How can you work 7 days a week, have no money and a visa problem? 

    Because I have poor judge of character skills and I had a manipulative wife  at home who sucked it out of me through various ways. Visa problem was my mistake and when I found out, it was too late. I've been here 4 Years and have been good with Visas, and with the sudden change in my relationship was distracted enough to put me in the shit. And No i didnt wait 2 months after the fact to do something, I waited 2 months to put it on here. I've been trying to figure out a solution  along with my battling my ex over property and my daughter. Some of us arent as perfect as others. 

  17. 57 minutes ago, mike787 said:

    BRitmantoo is dead right.  RUN!!!!   It amazes me how easily us men are blinded by lies, love, lust.  So easy to be destroyed.  Why buy it when you can rent it for the night on walking street?  Do you really need to feel that power of ownership over a female?  You know we can't own people, only things and temporarily...once we die we still can't take it with us into the after life.  Look at all the gold the egyptians left behind.  

    Never was out to own anyone, all I was trying to do was be responsible for my daughter and support and provide for her mother to give her a better life and self worth. Lust  and love had nothing to do with just a big heart who was too trusting. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

    I have a child here and have looked into the legalities and from what I read above for now take Britman's advice. The only card you have is that you are the legal father and at this point you have as much right to the child as she does unless she obtains a court order. I assume you are legally married (not a buddhist marriage)? If not you are not the legitimate father. Forget the other rubbish about fighting for a motorbike etc. If she has it it's gone and she only needs to say she has already sold it or moved it on as with anything else she has. It also doesn't sound like you are in any position to be offering large settlements although many will take a bird in the hand example 50k if she thinks thats the best she will do.


    I had my ex running me around and manipulating me using the child for 3 months until I realised she didn't want the child. She had already abandoned 3 others (I didn't know she even had). We weren't married at the time, I have since gone through the legitimacy court process. In the end I told mine yes she could demand I bring my son to her any time, but she can not demand I take him back. I told her if it continued I would simply up and go back to Australia and she can take care. That straightened her up pretty quickly. She is a dreadful person, has a provable bad history in nearly every aspect of her life and I would have little difficulty winning a case against her. In your case unless you can prove your ex has physically harmed the child in the past or has a drug problem you will have very little chance of gaining custody, moreso because the child is a girl. Just saying she is a bad person or a liar or presenting text messages wont cut it. You would need rock solid evidence. For now keep the child with you and see if she will go to the trouble of getting the law involved. If she does not much you can do but I would be strongly reminding her if she does take the child no reason for you to stay in Thailand and you are gone for ever. Raising the child will be "up to her". May or may not bring her into line. Logic and long term consequences don't always come into play as much as childish antics and tantrums.


    In any case take what you read here, including my post with a grain of salt. You need to at least go and talk to a lawyer and be made aware of your rights and likely outcomes. Be wary there too they are not leading you down the garden path to a lucrative (for the lawyer) custody case that you maybe not win. There may be details in your case you haven't shared here that would give you an advantage. Best of luck to you.  


    We are married legally thats why she couldnt take her when she left as i had exercised Fathers rights and said no. She has asked for a divorce and I've said no.  Can she get a custody order without me present in court. No I dont have $$ she has done a good job to fleece  that out of me over the last 4 years with family and stuff which I now know has mostly been sold for fractions of its cost. Both lawyers I've consulted have said it could go either way and seemed to find it hard to explain to me except that I am legally the father and as no custody order is in place or divorce been lodged it is up to me if I let her see my daughter until as such time she applies for for either and I am directed to do so by the courts.

    Getting better advice and thoughts from this post than from the police and lawyers.


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