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  1. Surely if a person was too ill to receive ANY visitors when they were too ill to go to jail, they are definitely not fit enough to fly. Of course there may be also concern they are a flight risk. I can't imagine why.
  2. Thaksin's recovery is nothing short of a miracle.
  3. Flew Thai earlier this year. We were very disappointed. Went to use the toilet and it was clear somebody had been sick. I went to tell a member of cabin crew only to be told that they had cleaned it already. Vomit still on the seat and the floor.
  4. To be fair you can’t see most Thai peoples faces as they’re all covered with masks.
  5. You couldn’t make it up.
  6. It's absolute nonsense. It is, absolutely, fearmongering and the very fact that you think keeping "one in your pocket" demonstrates it's certainly nothing medical. You want to wear one, go ahead but stop tell8ng others to do something that makes no sense.
  7. Who are really the nut jobs though? It’s certainly not those who can think for themselves. ????
  8. My wife (Thai) and I have tickets to Thailand booked for March next year. We won’t be coming if this nonsense is still in place. Tourism won’t come back either.
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