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Everything posted by simola

  1. How many will die on the roads this year? But hey as long as it’s not from covid.
  2. Totally irrational response. Ruining the country for less than 100 deaths per day. Death is sadly inevitable to all of us but many many more die from cancer, heart attacks etc. Like many countries before them the people have been scared in to irrational thought and lost all sense of perspective and risk. How many are killed at songkran on the roads?
  3. A resounding condemnation. Very similar words to those of China. Hmmm.
  4. Not sure what difference this makes apart from maybe saving a hotel cost. You still run the same risk of a positive test on day 5. Which will be covid that you have caught in Thailand. As for reducing the amount of insurance needed. It’s all about the science though. Absolute nonsense.
  5. Absolute nonsense. Let’s blame farang again. Test positive on day 5 and that’s an infection picked up inside Thailand.
  6. ???? it is not worth travelling to Thailand at the moment. There are many places (and more everyday) that are welcoming tourists and getting life back to normal.
  7. Who in their right mind would want to go to Thailand for a holiday? Day 1 and 5 tests. Bars and pubs closed. Restaurants on curfew. Public still scared to death through lack of information and communication. There are so many other countries that will welcome you with open arms.
  8. Is it worth bothering to travel TO Thailand. Sadly No. There are lots of places in the world that are now open and don’t require you to jump through hoops to enter and also have many less restrictions than Thailand.
  9. They keep saying Thailand must learn to live with covid. Is police going to KSR 3 times a day and a testing requirement to enter the road learning to live with it?
  10. When will this end? Covid will be with us forever now. Are Thailand (and many other countries) going to impose restrictions every time a new variant comes along? There is no exit strategy to learn to live with it. Covid is not the big killer we were led to believe it was. The economic struggles and poverty that is being inflicted on the people of Thailand will cause far more deaths and suffering than covid will. Tourism is essentially dead in Thailand now.
  11. When will the world actually start to live with this virus. It can’t be beaten. The restrictions don’t stop it. Lock ups cause far more damage than any potential benefits. What a mess.
  12. It’s not because of omicron, it’s because of the political decisions being made. There are choices. Data on omicron shows the world is having a massive overreaction. Enough is enough. Time to get back to living.
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