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Posts posted by robwil

  1. 3 hours ago, RBOP said:

    The above statement is confusing and not sure correct.  


    When our child was born in Bangkok the first thing we did was get her birth certificate from the local Ampher. Then went to our embassy and applied and received her Certificate of Citizenship from our home country. On her Thai birth certificate, top right box the "Personal Number is 7-1xxx..." Below that the box says "1.3 Nationality 99 Non-Citizen" (because both parents are not Thai). I have to apply every year for my child to stay in Thailand as my dependent.   I'm quite sure just because you are born in Thailand doesn't mean you are entitled to stay here without a visa.  Yes, when she was old enough to go to school a Non-O visa was required.   


    I found this on the net https://www.thethailandlife.com/foreign-children-born-thailand.  

    Thailand follows a nationality doctrine called “jus sanguinis”, which roughly translated means ‘right of blood'.  

    There seems to be some caveats such as if a foreign national couple, both with permanent residency, have a biological child, the child will be granted (or can be) Thai citizenship.

    There is one other circumstance where a child born of foreign parents in Thailand may be able to gain Thai citizenship. And that is if a child is born stateless.  


    As you explained above, seems your children may be stateless.  Is that right? 


    I am an Aussie... Aus Embassy in Bangkok told me on 2 visits that it could take 5 years + or more for my kids to get Australian Citizenship and a truck load of money for lawyers. Their Mother is Laos so after 3 years of battling with the Laos Govt I managed to get them Laos Passports so at least we have a bit of flexibility of travelling if we want.


    I got their Birth Certificates translated and stamped as Official Govt Translations and under the Personal Number box it is translated as "1.3 Nationality: Not acquire Thai Nationality" which I guess is the same as "Non Citizen".


    The information that I provided in my original comment was what I was told by the Ubon Amphur and Chiang Mai Immigration and confirmed by their School.


    Again, as with most things in Thailand, ask 10 people and get 10 different answers!?!?!

  2. I always thought the same until last week when I FINALLY got my kids Official Thai Birth Certificates. Their school advised me that their Certificate of Birth is NOT a Birth Certificate and I have to get their Birth Certificates or they can no longer attend school unless they get an Education Visa.


    I found out that the hospital issues a Certificate of Birth and you need to take it to the local Amphur for them to issue their Official Birth Certificate.


    Long story (as they all are in Thailand) short, I live in Chiang Mai and my kids were born in Ubon. I had to go to Ubon and fight for a week to get their Birth Certificates. What a nightmare that was as neither parents are Thai and they were born more than 5 years ago.


    The good news is I now have their Official Birth Certificates and was advised by the Ubon Amphur that seeing they were born in Thailand, they can stay in Thailand forever without ever having Visas. They can not get a Thai ID Card nor a Thai Passport as neither parent is Thai but seeing that Thailand is their Mother Country, they can stay forever and come and go as they please.


    I took their Birth Certificates to their school and they confirmed that they do not need Visas.


    If your childrens Mother is Thai, then they too can stay forever and they can get a Thai ID Card and Passport. One parent has to be Thai for them to get a Thai ID Card and Passport.


    If your childrens Mother is not Thai, then check the first number of their Birth Certificate. If it is the number 7, then they will be entitled to stay forever without visas and attend school. The first number represents their entitlement due to their birth depending on their parents status etc etc.


    As no doubt you are aware, every person you ask could give you a different response but this appears to be true as advised by the Amphur that issued their Birth Certificates, their School and then I triple checked last week with the Chiang Mai Immigration when I renewed my Retirement Visa.


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