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Posts posted by UbonThani

  1. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I don't understand why so many are complaining and want the bars open.  Seriuosly, anyone ever hear a positive report on a bar?  

    The beer is too expensive.

    The beer is not cold.

    The beer bottle condom is dirty.

    The mixed drinks are weak and too expensive.

    The staff is rude.

    The service is lousy.

    The bargirls are ugly.

    The place is too hot.

    The place is too loud.

    I am sure I can go on and on.

    My favorite is "they steal and cheat you on the bill".  With the brillant comebacks:  When I pay with 1000 b, I raise the 1000 in the air and say loudly 2 times 1000!  This way everyone knows how I paid and they cannot cheat me.

    Wow, great.  All sounds like such a fun blast of a time.


    The one thing I do miss is cruising past on my motorbike at 11am and seeing the unkempt, mentally ill looking Singha tank wearing guys nursing a beer.  Drive past again at 4pm and there they still are.

    Looking dazed and confused starring blindly out into nothingness.

    What a life. 


    Mental illness is serious

    Dont joke about it

    • Like 2
  2. On 6/9/2020 at 3:36 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think Trump rallies are a great idea. I hope they are packed with his supporters.

    Forget about social distancing or masks. Hug each other, kiss each other, be happy together.

    If they do that often enough and long enough then the DEMs don't have to worry about how many people will be left to vote for Trump.

    It's a win/win situation.

    Nonsense comment from a hater


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    Protein is overrated. By following a whole food plant based lifestyle, you will provide your body with all the protein you need - and would (scientifically proven) to reverse diabetes 2 as well. While meat protein is absorbed quicker, it's not essential. I'm sorry to hear about your gallstones, it was an unnecessary operation, IMO.   

    plants cause gallstones

  4. 4 hours ago, chessman said:

    The fastest ever vaccine developed up to now was mumps and took 4 years. Wonderful if it can be done significantly faster than that but governments should not be basing their strategies on potential vaccines In 2020 or early 2021.

    more labs doing this

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