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Posts posted by wahpiangeh56

  1. 14 minutes ago, arithai12 said:


    You quote him as "He stated enter with a non O RT VISA.".

    In fact he wrote "re-entering Thailand having a Non-O retirement visa"


    So he must have a re-entry permit, in which case he is

    stamped until the date on his re-entry. Or he doesn't, in which case

    he is not re-entering but entering.


    The OP wasn't 100% formally correct, but as we know confusing visa with extension

    is the most common sin that most of us commit sooner or later. Since you said yourself

    that "I realized that he meant that he had an extension" why not let it

    pass, since posters before you had already given the correct answer.


    Note I did not start with "this is not correct" ????



    Well said... 

  2. What do we have here? Some excellent Journalistic Mis-representation.To begin with, no borders have been opened as yet,not if you consider opening Phuket a Grand Opening. Look what it's gotten you? PM self quarantined now after being exposed to an unsuspecting VIP during the Sandbox Opening event on July 1st.Madness and letting your guard down for  tourism dollars.

  3. On 9/10/2020 at 11:27 PM, Susco said:

    A pink ID is nothing more than a confirmation of your address. It caries the same number as your yellow tabien baan, and is actually the same in CC format, with that extra that it has your picture.


    Benefits will depend on who you encounter, and will vary from place to place and person to person, but they should be the same as with a yellow tabien baan.


    Not sure why the OP with PR status bothered with it, as his alien book will have more value than the pink card

    perhaps some validtion and bragging rights. With an ego as well.


  4. What was the duration you stayed in Thailand for the whole of 2019? in my case, i stayed only a week each time i'm in town and leave thereafter. I've been in and out of BKK the past 2 years without any issues. I dont have a work permit if you are wondering....


    5 hours ago, El Matador said:

    Buying a condo is a risky move unless you have a 20 years Thai Elite visa.

    Even with a retirement visa I wouldn't invest in Thailand as they are changing the rules so often.

    Better investing somewhere else and pay a rent with your dividends/interests.

    Maybe it is a good time too to sell with the current strong baht.


    The return ticket proof is a classic at many airports, not only Thailand.

    It was luck for not being asked before. Usually airlines enforce that rule more often than the inmigration officers themselve because airlines have to pay the return ticket when the passenger is denied entry.


  5. One witness should suffice, and he/she has to be a Local Thai. The relationship is not an issue but the office would be asking you questions on your parents, country you're from, and getting all the factual details and having them all translated into Thai. Your Surname or name in particular should be an issue if it;s not properly translated and notarised. Once completed, you can have the previlege  of applying for a Local Bank Account, Driving License for starters. 

  6. 4 hours ago, El Matador said:

    Buying a condo is a risky move unless you have a 20 years Thai Elite visa.

    Even with a retirement visa I wouldn't invest in Thailand as they are changing the rules so often.

    Better investing somewhere else and pay a rent with your dividends/interests.

    Maybe it is a good time too to sell with the current strong baht.


    The return ticket proof is a classic at many airports, not only Thailand.

    It was luck for not being asked before. Usually airlines enforce that rule more often than the inmigration officers themselve because airlines have to pay the return ticket when the passenger is denied entry.


  7. On 9/24/2019 at 4:46 AM, keysersoze276 said:

    Thanks and same to you!  After everything I have read, you would be able to get unlimited back to back 3 month SETVs in VN with no questions asked.  Same as border runs in Thailand used to be.  Not much of a difference between me and you here because I chose the multiple entry.  Therefor, I can leave and reenter freely, but I have to leave and reenter at least every 90 days from my last entry.  I don'y have to apply or pay for a new visa or lose a passport page, but I still have to go out and come back.  Single entry one year doesn't, but I can't sit still too long anyway and love to travel.  Plus I have my condo (rented) and gf in BKK.  I personally have no problem leaving every 90 days or less.

    seriously? I am puzzled as to why your GF would be waiting patiently for you.

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