Thanks guys.
'One more Farang'...yes, it was partly about the search both on this site and on Lazada, but what I was hoping for was the actual post info, or indeed a link to the actual post regarding the 'equipment' where the poster bought it, and his assessment of it. Further, I have visited a 'real' optician in Vietnam and more recently here in Thailand within the last 12 months and the results, let me be kind here, have failed to meet my needs. In short.......they were, oh, what's a common British adjective for 'not very good?' Begins with the letter C and ends in the letter P.
'Charlie H' so my memory was at fault...'Zenni' it is, thanks for that. But they make the spectacles to an instruction and I want to be able to give them that instruction....hence the search for the post which described buying the self testing/prescribing kit on Lazada. Thanks for your response....I had a feeling that you were the poster I was searching for...obviously I was wrong!
'Scubascuba3', thanks for your input but it was the specific post I was trying to find. rather than a more general search.
Is anyone else able to throw light on the post I'm searching for?
With hope, thanks in advance.