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Everything posted by BRUFC

  1. Yes, Dr Jack54, that's the one! Many thanks.
  2. The post I was searching for was by 'Crossy' in August last year. I found it but have lost it again, and can't remember the title. My memory at fault....he bought the 'kit' from Ali Express not Lazada...that's where he bought the wider frame thingys from. I'll find it again I'm sure, but in the meantime my thanks to those who responded.
  3. Thanks guys. 'One more Farang'...yes, it was partly about the search both on this site and on Lazada, but what I was hoping for was the actual post info, or indeed a link to the actual post regarding the 'equipment' where the poster bought it, and his assessment of it. Further, I have visited a 'real' optician in Vietnam and more recently here in Thailand within the last 12 months and the results, let me be kind here, have failed to meet my needs. In short.......they were, oh, what's a common British adjective for 'not very good?' Begins with the letter C and ends in the letter P. 'Charlie H' so my memory was at fault...'Zenni' it is, thanks for that. But they make the spectacles to an instruction and I want to be able to give them that instruction....hence the search for the post which described buying the self testing/prescribing kit on Lazada. Thanks for your response....I had a feeling that you were the poster I was searching for...obviously I was wrong! 'Scubascuba3', thanks for your input but it was the specific post I was trying to find. rather than a more general search. Is anyone else able to throw light on the post I'm searching for? With hope, thanks in advance.
  4. I've tried several times to locate a post I remember reading several? months ago regarding spectacles and Thai Opticians, Optometrists et al. The specific post gave details of a Lazada purchase of a kit, which I've also been unable to find on Lazada, whereby one could try different 'strength' lenses in the supplied eye piece frame until it was just right. The poster then went on to say he had also bought a different, wider, eyepiece frame as the one supplied was too narrow for his face/ head. He then bought his spectacles from Zizzi? based on his own results with the kit and is very happy with the finished spectacles. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'll be grateful. Thanks.
  5. I'm reminded of an incident in either 1960 or '61 when Everton came to the Boleyn to play West Ham. Pre match 'goalkeepers catching practice' and Roy Vernon ( Everton) let a thunderous shot go, it went wide and completely sparked out a poor guy standing in the front row of the crowd. So, his fault for standing there or Vernon's fault for kicking the ball wide? I'm sure if the guy's mates had told him not to stand there he would have considered them ayholes too.
  6. BRUFC

    Solid Plastering

    Thanks guys, I'll investigate the Rungart and Lanko products. Thanks also Gsxrnz, but I don't want to repair , although there is a different texture on the more recent rendering, I want to do the whole wall to a smooth finish.
  7. We had an internal window removed and the opening blocked up, then the sand/cement render applied. Unfortunately it's very obvious where the window used to be. In the past in the U.K I've skimmed ceilings and walls, always (except once) using 'Thistle Multi-Finish'. The one time I used Knauf plaster was a disaster and I ended up skimming over the skim with the Multi-Finish. Does anyone have any knowledge of what to use here for skimming and how to 'finish' it satisfactorily? That was the problem for me with the Knauf plaster....it didn't have the same finish method as the Multi-Finish. Global House, Thai Watsadu and HomePro are all within 25km if someone can point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance.
  8. Because it wasn't about George Best, who was possibly the biggest name in British Soccer. Anyhow, here's what google says about him....just compare that with what the star players get now. 'At the peak of his career in the late 60s, George was earning around $150 thousand per year which is the same as around $1 million per year from salary and endorsements, after adjusting for inflation'. I reckon George Best and maybe one or two more were the 'isolated cases'.
  9. There was a wage cap of £20 a week in British Soccer until 1961 and the then English captain, Johnny Haynes, was the first to hit £100 a week, probably a tidy sum back then. This footballer is 77 now so would have been playing after the wage cap was lifted but although Coventry City were a First Division team back in 1967 (no Premiership back then) he wasn't a star name and Shrewsbury Town were minnows. So, the idea that as an ex Pro Footballer he should be 'cashed up' and 'something fishy' is afoot is wrong. He may well be 'cashed up' but if he is it didn't come from his footballing talent.
  10. Man takes found wallet to police station. Policeman takes wallet into another room, phones his wife, girlfriend, tells her the id of the owner, coaches her on what to say when she arrives at the police station and they pocket the 6000baht. Not a regular scam just a lucky break for the cop on duty. Ha ha ha, well, it's a theory anyway.
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