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Posts posted by BRUFC

  1. 13 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Cook a deep pan boiling oil at the side of the football pitch and then blame the footballer for the ‘errant ball’ ???....   

    ... thats a pretty stupid outlook.....


    Of course, blame the organisers for having the stall with boiling oil in a really dumb location... 

    Did she speak up at the start of the day ? did anyone recognise the risk ??


    I see an incredible amount of stupidity here in Thailand on a daily basis and when something happens the wrong people are always blamed.  Everything seems reactive, there is little proactive thinking.

    Anyone with a brain could identify the risk here (boiling oil at the side of a football pitch).


    The organisers are at fault for allowing this - this is nothing to do with any of those playing football. 


    I see dumb stuff like this all the time...  At a recent football tournament I saw a lady playing with her baby very close to the goal... It was concerning enough for me to mention something and point out that a wide shot could her her or her baby, or worse.....  I was then the ayhole for suggesting she moved, she was dumb enough to have no idea at all.

    I'm reminded of an incident in either 1960 or '61 when Everton came to the Boleyn to play West Ham. Pre match 'goalkeepers catching practice' and  Roy Vernon ( Everton) let a thunderous shot go, it went wide and completely sparked out a poor guy standing in the front row of the crowd. So, his fault for standing there or Vernon's fault for kicking the ball wide? I'm sure if the guy's mates had told him not to stand there he would have considered them ayholes too.

  2. Thanks guys, I'll investigate the Rungart and Lanko products. Thanks also Gsxrnz, but I don't want to repair , although there is a different texture on the more recent rendering, I want to do the whole wall to a smooth finish.

  3. We had an internal window removed and the opening blocked up, then the sand/cement render applied. Unfortunately it's very obvious where the window used to be. In the past in the U.K I've skimmed ceilings and walls, always (except once) using 'Thistle Multi-Finish'. The one time I used Knauf plaster was a disaster and I ended up skimming over the skim with the Multi-Finish. Does anyone have any knowledge of what to use here for skimming and how to 'finish' it satisfactorily? That was the problem for me with the Knauf plaster....it didn't have the same finish method as the Multi-Finish. Global House, Thai Watsadu and HomePro are all within 25km if someone can point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance.

  4. 3 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Sure, isolated cases, 1 or 2. 


    Didn't see anyone talking about George Best 


    Because it wasn't about George Best, who was possibly the biggest name in British Soccer. Anyhow, here's what google says about him....just compare that with what the star players get now.

    'At the peak of his career in the late 60s, George was earning around $150 thousand per year which is the same as around $1 million per year from salary and endorsements, after adjusting for inflation'.

    I reckon George Best and maybe one or two more were the 'isolated cases'.

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  5. 20 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    I don't follow the European football (soccer), I'm NRL. 


    I just regularly read the millions and millions of dollars these guys earn. 


    There was a wage cap of £20 a week in British Soccer until 1961 and the then English captain, Johnny Haynes, was the first to hit £100 a week, probably a tidy sum back then. This footballer is 77 now so would have been playing after the wage cap was lifted but although Coventry City were a First Division team back in 1967 (no Premiership back then) he wasn't a star name and Shrewsbury Town were minnows. So, the idea that as an ex Pro Footballer he should be 'cashed up' and 'something fishy' is afoot is wrong. He may well be 'cashed up' but if he is it didn't come from his footballing talent.

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  6. On 9/13/2021 at 11:43 PM, mahtin said:

    Take vit d? Not enough sun for you here?

    I take your point but I'm a pale Brit so I'm never outside without a broad brimmed hat for my balding pate and to shade my face, short sleeved shirt and shorts. I don't know whether that is enough exposed flesh to get enough vit d from the sun, which is the best source, so I take a vit d supplement daily.Theres's a very big difference between a British summer day and the sun in Thailand.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    If your conspiracy were real, then Dexamethasone would not be approved for use as a Covid treatment. Since your simple explanation doesn’t work for Dexamethesone, let me suggest another, even simpler explanation:


    Ivermectin doesn’t work.

    BTW, there was a lockdown imposed in Utter Pradesh which accounts for the reduction in new infections.


    Oh why, why, why didn't anyone else lockdown? Are they all stupid?

    Overall, the death rate in Uttar Pradesh was roughly 95 per million people, roughly 1/20 the death rate of the U.S. More importantly, despite being the largest state in India, it incurred one-third the death rate of the country as a whole. (Newsrescue.com)

    • Haha 1
  8. On 9/18/2021 at 3:37 PM, heybruce said:

    The Gates' money came from a software/OS company, not a pharmaceutical company.  With that in mind, what reason would the Gates have in paying to discredit ivermectin?

    The Gates money came from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation....a software company?
    A possible reason COULD be that should Ivermectin be proven to work all the money Gates has poured into Pharma, Universities, Research Labs etc. will go up in smoke as Ivermectin is out of patent and dirt cheap. I replied at length here to Danderman but conflicts of interest concern me. On a happier note I'm pleased to be able to say that yesterday I saw that the CEO's of both Moderna and BioNTech have just become billionaires. I obviously cannot confirm this, but isn't it nice of them to produce all these vaccines for us.

    • Haha 1
  9. On 9/18/2021 at 3:25 PM, Danderman123 said:

    So, in your world, there is some sort of vast conspiracy to suppress the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid-19, with international health agencies, Bill Gates, foreign universities, and the scientific community working together.


    or, Ivermectin just doesn’t work.


    Ever heard of Occam’s Razor?


    My world is the same as yours buddy and yes I have heard of Ockhams Razor. To me the simplest explanation is that the Gates Foundation have invested HUGE amounts of money worldwide and they now have their vaccines which are being busily pumped into as many arms as possible as many times as possible. Now, they have invested what is a sizeable amount of money but not huge money for Ivermectin trials, which if proven to be efficacious will destroy the lucrative vaccine production, because Ivermectin is out of patent, cheap and could become readily available. (Have you checked the stats for the province of Uttar Pradesh in India? Ivermectin is the drug of choice, may also be of necessity and their covid is bumping along near the bottom of the graph).
    My post was merely a comment on the certainty (which I concede may be in my mind alone) of a conflict of interest...I can neither endorse nor decry the efficacy of Ivermectin, but I do get concerned when I see

    conflicts of interest....the FDA being funded by Pharma is another. To quote Shakespeare's Marcellus (Hamlet) 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark', meaning, (for those who don't know) there is moral and political corruption in (insert virtually any country you wish).

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  10. 9 hours ago, mtls2005 said:




    My best guess is that no orders have yet been placed.


    Yes, negotiations have been on-going with a gaggle of parties:


    Private hospital networks

    the PHA

    The GPO





    No one can pony up the cash, hence the bake-sale approach.


    Once enough orders have been booked, and paid for, ~ 15 July? Then maybe an order can be placed.


    Not sure 1 October is reasonable now.



    This has got fornicatii clustericus written all over it. It will be messy.





    Your Latin made me chuckle. Nice one, well done.

  11. 4 hours ago, Moonfire said:

    Daily cases of Covid increasing. 


    Doctors are going on the record against opening and continued lockdown.


    The India killer Delta variant Covid has been found in Thailand:

    The variant, first identified in India, is the most contagious yet and, among those not yet vaccinated, may trigger serious illness in more people than other variants do, say scientists tracking the spread of infection.



    The fast-spreading Delta variant will become the dominant strain of Covid-19 in Thailand within four months, a leading virologist warned on Tuesday.


    Thailand is about to open up.


    The perfect storm! 





    UK Govt stats appear to disagree with what the 'scientists tracking the spread of the infection' say MAY happen.


  12. 5 hours ago, Phobovile said:

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if any compassionate folks could help me out with my process of getting from Australia to Thailand, for long-term stay, and as soon as possible. I will post updates here and hopefully in turn this forum thread can help other people in the future.

    I have been living in Myanmar for several years, but came back to my hometown in Australia during its nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Now due to political developments in Myanmar, I need to get to Thailand for personal and business reasons related to my life in Myanmar.

    The first step is the travel exemption from the Australian government. Now, they state that you do not need to have a travel exemption if you can prove that you lived the majority of the last 12 or 24 months outside of Australia. That's easy for me to do-- up until the pandemic when I came back to Australia. Since then I haven't budged, being close to family in an area that has undergone several COVID-19 lockdowns. So I believe I could be now ineligible for that exemption. As a result I applied for the travel exemption on "urgent personal humanitarian or business reasons" and I simply stated the truth about my situation.

    If that is knocked back by the Aust. govt, then I believe I need to either go the business or long-term tourist route. It seems to me that the business route would pay the most dividends as it is straightforward: Australians can leave for work reasons. But then, getting a business VISA for Thailand would be more complicated than getting a tourist or tourist-exempt VISA status. Ideally I don't want to go through the process of actually getting a job in Thailand that will no doubt take ages to be accepted for online, and then require x hours of my time per week in x city while I try to organise all my other concerns (I will be moving around the Myanmar border and based in Chiang Mai). Any tips or ideas on this would be really helpful. Feel free to PM me.

    The most risky things I have noted while researching this process are the "exemption risks" - I like things to be, ya know, set up and foolproof. I could be eligible for not needing a travel exemption still... but you don't know until you rock up at the airport. I could be eligible for a tourist VISA exemption, but you won't know until you rock up at the airport. I would prefer to have all the documents, all the time.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this long message. Wish me luck and godspeed to everyone who is looking out for fellow travelers during this difficult time.

    Mate, Aussie YouTuber...'The Holistic Trainer' arrived from Melbourne last week. He has a video on YT how he managed it. Good luck


    5 hours ago, Phobovile said:

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if any compassionate folks could help me out with my process of getting from Australia to Thailand, for long-term stay, and as soon as possible. I will post updates here and hopefully in turn this forum thread can help other people in the future.

    I have been living in Myanmar for several years, but came back to my hometown in Australia during its nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Now due to political developments in Myanmar, I need to get to Thailand for personal and business reasons related to my life in Myanmar.

    The first step is the travel exemption from the Australian government. Now, they state that you do not need to have a travel exemption if you can prove that you lived the majority of the last 12 or 24 months outside of Australia. That's easy for me to do-- up until the pandemic when I came back to Australia. Since then I haven't budged, being close to family in an area that has undergone several COVID-19 lockdowns. So I believe I could be now ineligible for that exemption. As a result I applied for the travel exemption on "urgent personal humanitarian or business reasons" and I simply stated the truth about my situation.

    If that is knocked back by the Aust. govt, then I believe I need to either go the business or long-term tourist route. It seems to me that the business route would pay the most dividends as it is straightforward: Australians can leave for work reasons. But then, getting a business VISA for Thailand would be more complicated than getting a tourist or tourist-exempt VISA status. Ideally I don't want to go through the process of actually getting a job in Thailand that will no doubt take ages to be accepted for online, and then require x hours of my time per week in x city while I try to organise all my other concerns (I will be moving around the Myanmar border and based in Chiang Mai). Any tips or ideas on this would be really helpful. Feel free to PM me.

    The most risky things I have noted while researching this process are the "exemption risks" - I like things to be, ya know, set up and foolproof. I could be eligible for not needing a travel exemption still... but you don't know until you rock up at the airport. I could be eligible for a tourist VISA exemption, but you won't know until you rock up at the airport. I would prefer to have all the documents, all the time.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this long message. Wish me luck and godspeed to everyone who is looking out for fellow travelers during this difficult time.

    'The Holistic Trainer' on YouTube arrived from Melbourne last week. Check his video out, may be useful for you.

  13. On 3/8/2021 at 4:44 PM, Meat Pie 47 said:

    When can Australians travel overseas?

    Currently, there’s a travel ban in place for all overseas travel from Australia. There are no definitive plans to lift this ban as of yet. This ban also restricts the entry of cruise ships into Australia.


    Aussie YouTuber 'The Holistic Trainer' arrived from Melbourne last week and is in quarantine in Bangkok. He has a video all about it on YouTube.

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