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Posts posted by toto69toto

  1. 7 minutes ago, Inn Between said:

    As for an answer to your original question, it seems that you've made your interest in her very clear and have made all the efforts to stay in communication. You've even gone to the point of booking a flight to visit her. You've done a lot, and it sounds like she's done little if anything. That may be shyness, lack of time, or other situations that restrict her from carrying on a dialogue, but for me it would sound a loud warning. It's just simply not promising behaviour when we consider that communication is the key to a successful partnership. 

    Thanks again. This is so far the most reasonable answer, even though it's more like an analysis to why she's not writing first. I appreciate it. I have a few of those on my own. My main interest was to find out if there was such thing as: Don't worry all thai girls are like this, they wait for you to write...or the one that the first guy wrote ( was it Kummit-don't see his name now)... no, it's not a thai thing and if she don't write , she's not into you...that's it. In that case , then money it is ????  BUT, I'm sure most of those guys venting out here and just doing the "guy at the bar talk", think the same what you wrote, but didn't bother with the "velvet" approach and just gave me the wet rag slap ???? Well, I can take it, it's all right. Cheers and all the best.Thanks again for this nice and civilised comment.

  2. 6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    It doesn't take much for that to happen...  it does seem that there is a disproportionate number of ThaiVisa.com's more vociferous posters who express somewhat extreme misogynistic, bigoted and racist tendencies...  Although in this case it would appear you are being 'gamed' and those misogynistic, bigoted and racist tendencies perhaps originated under circumstances similar to which you now face... 



    Got it ...I agree...also; that very line of mine you quoted, got me the " troll" label. Obviously the spirit here is "about THEM-bad or nothing. Honestly, I regret asking this question here... 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Inn Between said:

    Okay, I believe you, but this type of situation comes up with such frequency, I think we sometimes can't believe that people aren't up to speed on the subject. That's not a criticism toward you -- just an explanation of my assumption. 


    I'm sure you're aware that many Thai women string many men along for financial support, so you'll be going into with both eyes wide open, so my only advise would be to keep them open and look for the signs that you're not her only beau. 

    Thanks, as I wrote before and hopefully more people would read it here again. I AM AWARE of course. Only that here the situation is different, at least I was made to believe so and the circumstances are different as well.Or shall I say: before this thread I was sure she's not a bar girl ( still am 100%) and a decent girl, with own business etc. It was a simple question ,that I had no one else to ask and , again, as I said, I received even a brighter variety of answers than expected. Plus got a troll label. Shortly, I got it! Don't even know why am I still reading here.Cheers.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Inn Between said:

    I really think the OP is a bit of troll bait, but I'll nibble at it and only say that she's too busy juggling her mugs (in the UK slang meaning) to initiate any messages -- only time to respond to her bevy of "sponsors". 

    Not a troll, dear...but...don't see anyway to prove you wrong. What would I possibly gain with such question? I don't advertise anything, nor do i ask for any privat details or whatever...

  5. 24 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    It was perhaps because of the simplicity of the question asked by an adult that the en-masse 'burst of fire' was unleashed.... 

    Not only from this thread, but from many other sources, have I found out how strange, illogical and hard to comprehend, very often, Thai people could be, let alone Thai women, for us Europeans. Even though I had my thoughts and explanation , I decided to ask some experienced people's opinion. 

    ....and I meant the fire unleashed toward Thai women/girls...

  6. OK, I think I've got my answer. It's not a typical thing, to not initiate a ( text messaging ) conversation. I'll deal with the "psychology " of the situation.


    It is though remarkable what kind of burst of fire this, otherwise simple question, unleashed...

       I have heard and read lot of stories and similar "cases" to the ones you mention here. I'm aware of the whole sponsor thing and if i was sure, that this is the case I wouldn't write here. Quite few things are different from the usual scenario. When I say "we met online" I mean I haven't seen her in person yet.Only online communication ,we didn't meet on a dating site. I found her by accident , because she has a facebook page selling clothes and her pictures there got my attention. 

      As I mentioned , things were looking different from what I've heard about the "holiday girlfriend". Some of you got it wrong-it's not that she's not responding to my texts.As I said, she was always responding  to my texts and answering the video calls whenever was possible to talk.We talked every day. Just, that I noticed that she never writes first or calls , so I started to wonder what would happen if I just don't write first... is it so that she's just to polite to tell me to stop bothering her and wanted to wait up for me to " get the idea". 

      Now that it's the second day that none of us has texted or called, and reading what many of you say, I'm puzzled. 

    If she is what most of you state, if she wants my sponsorship and doesn't want to lose me , why doesn't she text or call to keep me up, especially now that she knows that " the fish is in the net"...


    As I said, I'll do the thinking from here on. 

    How easy it would be if I knew from the start, that she's exactly the  "holiday sex girlfriend" type and I would be ok with it without having any other illusions. 

    Thanks to you all for your comments and advices. Take care.



  7. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    If she do not contact you, she is to busy, or not so interested, and that is how we work to. It is not science, and if she really was interested in you, she would be all over you every day, and every hour and every minute. 

    It has crossed my mind, to be honest, that's why I do this "withdrawal test" , to make sure. But what puzzled me is that every time I write and talk to her, she states how she misses me and is waiting for me and not talking to anybody but me...hence the question ;is it a "thai" thing to not be able to say straight  - sorry , I don't like you anymore -...after all she could just block me or unfriend me etc. or just find some excuse reason  for me to not write her anymore.

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