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Posts posted by Brutiniero

  1. Ok, thanks for the advice.

    Does somebody know if my child will loose the Thai nationality.

    I thought after German law we have blood right. Meaning if you have one German parent you are German by blood - this goes with the adoption in the same way.

    And as we do have a Thai birth certificate for everybody - like I said I have two own daughters too, Thai nationality never gets lost.

    My stepdaughter could stay in Germany like it is, but would be forced (without adoption) to choose nationality once 18-23 (its a process),

    - at least I think so ....

    I found that kinda unfair, as my daughters would have 2 citizenship - and my stepdaughter who is 100% Thai would have to choose.

    And as she has her school and live here in Germany, it would be a mess.

    Don't want her to be forced to marry a guy one day, only to be sure in Germany.

    And of course I wish to keep them all equal

    Thank you very much for you help.


  2. Thank you for your response !

    I think we have already the stuff done and a court paper that the father has no rights (he wanted money that time).

    The child wants to be adopted as I take care about 10 years already and sees me as father :), therfor I don't worry about "child support" as I support and love the child a long time already.

    Thanks for the warning.

    The child I want to adopt has 2 half sisters which are my own daughters.

    We are all IN Germany and I have no clue where to start the whole thing.


  3. Hello,

    it might be that this subject isn't new, but I would like to know if there are any german nationals with experience.

    I want to adopt the child of my wife, 13 years old and IN Germany already.

    What I need is advice how to proceed here and over there in Thailand?

    What I need and how long this process will be?

    I have been in Thailand for about 10 years, but havent been there since 2008.

    The child is here in Germany since 2008 too and doing well. With an adoption I want to avoid later problems - about choosing nationality and such stuff.

    Every advice is welcome :)



  4. "Thais suppress a lot of anger to save face and avoid conflict.

    Its a different culture with different social rules from what we westerners are used to. First impressions of the western tourists is that the Thais are always smiling and never seem to take offence at anything.

    But push a Thai too far and when the smile turns to anger that flood of suppressed feelings comes out big time."

    Finally somebody came to the point and @Thaigoon: " Nobody is bashing Thais for their behaivour, its a cultural thing."

    Good and Bads are everywhere, I am only suprised to hear so bad news about Israel tourist manners. The sign that they a not wanted at a hotel in PhiPhi .... I am speachless.

    In the end I have no experience with that, but guess that they aren't the cream of Israels society either.

  5. Ok,

    if the story is true, the Israeli did wrong and paid dearly - at least he should had to keep in mind that he isn't at home. Nothing to debate else.

    What made my fanny clinch is that you (Mr. Badman) had to include your hero story about the Thai hitman (bad taste in my opinion in a treath like this).

    Secondly that your arguments are very naive and that you didn't realize that after this small favour you owe em .......


  6. Only if the most people believe the baht will get much more stronger - thats the sign for the turnaround.

    So until you don't cry and bite yourself because it drives you crazy - "why up whyyy ???" - and you start to get the opinion that it makes sense somehow ..... well, then the opposite might happen.

    I know that's not logic and doesn't base on fundamentals, but mostly the market isn't logic in the short and middle term and somehow I don't trust in the market mechanism here anyway.

    My 2 cents.

  7. Well, at least I brought all of my brothers and sisters in law out of the country to Australia where they are working under good conditions.

    You should have seen them and how the happieness went up.

    Yes they are missing their country - but nobody wants to come back.

    Uhmm last time the rural people tried to change something in Esarn things ended up in a bloody mess.

    It is said that I have many ghost of the former communist solidiers on my land.

    Never got robbed so :o

  8. @Plus

    Hmmmm, you know what?

    Look for a poor (really poor) happy Thai family and give them all you have.

    It might teach you (if you have quite something to give) how really happy Thais look like and you can experience how happy you can be with nothing.

    You comments make me sick so!

  9. The statement that poor people are more happy and that the people in the rural areas of Thailand (Esarn) are happier is bu**it.

    It 's only not their style to put their sorrows and burden upon you.

    And when they smile it's like hello stranger, but has nothing to do with happieness.

    Mostly they make parties and appear to be happy because it is better that to think about the worries and kill themself over it.

    So folks, if you want to be happy get poor and try it, you'll see.

  10. What makes me angry is (beside of this scumbag) that in Esarn underage boys and girls get kidnapped and nothing about this in the national TV.

    Last time here not far from our village was a van who kidnapped some children, but one boy could escaped (with tied hands !!!).

    He ran to the fields where farmers untied him and tried to follow the van after that, but it was gone ... with the other children.

    The village bosses anouced the bad news then and gave a warning that parents should have an eye on their childs.

    But in the newspapers, TV NOTHING, they disappered ..... never seen again.


  11. Are you joking??

    Cassava is "man" in Thai, the Mariuana like looking plant all over Esarn.

    It is also grown in South America and Africa.

    Serves also for animal fodder, leaves are high percentages in Protein (although poisoness, you have to ensilage them for fodder) and the tuberoots are high in starch.

    Current price 1,20 Baht per KG.

    Hope for the farmers that the price goes to 2 Baht and more - but maybe its all a fake promotion, because the price was right ..... ahmmm under Mr. T

  12. It is funny to see how some "Westerners" defend the Muslims :o

    Yes they are not that bad. Only look around !

    Only the day a Muslim stand up and defend the rights of a Westerner is the day I start to relax a bit over all this mess they have done currently.

    About Thailand becomming Muslim i can laught too, Good God that Thailand is not as democratic as we sometimes wish. They will go full force if it comes to this.

    Only my 2 cents

  13. Hello,

    after 7 years we are leaving too. Reason Nr. 1 is my concern about the possible education my children can get.

    Reason Nr. 2 I am fed up and tired to think about Visa requirements, and the feeling that here is nothing to rely on.

    Besides around our area (Esarn) there are 3 English, 2 Germans and 3 French who will leave too - all in a term of the next 4 to 5 month, and all longstayers.

    We like to joke a lot about our quite expensive "holiday homes"


  14. Hmmm, my problem is that I have a University degree in Economics and taught 7 years costing, accounting, marketing, economic politics, computer science and communication - but I am not a native English speaker.

    I wanted to have a teaching job in order to get a Visa with workpermit so I can stay with my family in Thailand. After they canceled the "merriage Visa" for guys under 50 years of age we are in trouble.


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