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Posts posted by Truthhurts

  1. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I don't know what your deal is, i don't like it what the junta does. But legally they are in their right. He broke a law and now he is open for punishment.


    Its sad and disgusting that if your in the opposition the law is used against you. But it is still the law and it is written down. So its not as if he did not know he had to get rid of those shares. He made a mistake and is now paying for it all legal. I hate it but that is how it is.


    Yes its bad they enforce the law more for non junta parties. Disgusting even but that is not the point. The point is he knew this before he started all this and still he messed up. I am sad abut that and find it a bit stupid of him. He should have known. 


    I would be ok with me being punished, i guess that is the difference between you and me. When i break the law I dont look at others doing the same. I only look at my own situation if i broke the law or not if i did.. then sure i take my punishment. It might be unfair that the other party got away but that has nothing to do with me. I should not have gone to fast. 


    I might cry about you not being prosecuted and try to get you to be prosecuted too but that does not make my crime go away. I was still wrong and I deserve punishment.. but so do you.


    I guess you and I just have a fundamental different opinion of things. You feel that crimes should be forgiven because other crimes are not prosecuted. I am one that would strive to get all crime prosecuted and not give up anyone. 


    How would you feel if someone killed your father (or put in any other family member) and was let off because an other murder was let off too. I guess you would not like that. Instead of letting them both go its better to put effort in to get the one that got away.


    If you do what you are thinking about then there might as well be no laws at all and far more chaos would ensure.



    A very mature, honest post. A few noses will be put out of joint, but hey..

  2. 13 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    This isn’t an Al Capone-tax-evasion kind of situation. 

    How would you feel if we both got caught speeding. You were doing 35 in a 30 and I was doing 135. I was allowed to drive off (with no insurance or license) punishment free, and you were jailed. Would you put your hands up and say, “well, I was careless there. You got me”. Or would you rightfully be screaming bloody murder? 

    You don’t get to say ‘the is the law’ when you cherry pick which ones to follow to benefit you. The law applies to everyone or no one. 

    Yet in the usa , its head of state gets to cherry pick which laws to comply with and which parts of the constitution he wishes to adhere to.

    Failure to lodge and make available tax returns..not a problem.

    Avoid a compulsory draft..go for it.

    Self enrichment for himself and family via his office..help yourself buddies.

    Yet its America so it's not too bad.

    Corruption, dodgy politicians etc etc are rife everywhere in the world.

    Immigrants such as those poor souls who died in the container in the uk, are trafficked to all parts of the developed world almost on a daily basis. This cant be happening with complicit agreement from very high ranking officials.

    A little bit of righteous indignation, a few newspaper headlines then it will blow over. Difference is it is done with more panache in the west. 

    People expecting some sort of snow white bureaucratic Shangri la need to take a lesson in reality. It never did exist in the country they came from ( and never will ). Expecting better in a developing country where they and over half population dont pay tax is a fools errand.

    If I was so unhappy with everything I see, read and hear in a country I have moved to then I would move back to where I came from.

    Then again it takes 'ticker' to have the courage of one's convictions.

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  3. 26 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    According to you mate. ???? You're gonna say Singapore isn't much better than Thailand next. Singapore's and Malaysia's reputations are far less tarnished than Thailand's in every area that counts.


    For example, Malaysia's corruption ranking is 52 out 180, Thailand's was 102 - until recently it was higher, on the OECD listings for developing nations and transparency.org - a UN backed research group that conduct this global poll. Their court system is a mix of common-law and civil law and they have an actual functioning judiciary. The Police I won't comment on, but you couldn't really get any worse than the joke RTP. And um, Malaysia more racist than Thailand!!! Dream on mate, but please do keep posting, you're a laugh a minute.

    Well you know what you should do if it is so bad and you despise the people and the country so much.

    Remaining in Thailand when you feel that way just reeks of hypocrisy

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  4. 19 hours ago, donnacha said:

    That he tried calling 911 just minutes before the attack suggests that he was the victim of a billing scam. As certain parts of their tourism industry collapse, desperate bars seem to be resorting to this stuff more frequently, and asking for evermore ridiculous amounts.

    These thugs are a tiny minority that ruin it for the vast majority of decent people. Sadly, in Thailand, the entire society is structured along those lines too.

    I no longer expect any common sense from the authorities in Thailand, but a smart country that did not take its tourism industry for granted would crack down hard on this stuff. Each of these reports in the victims' home countries sends a deeply negative message about Thailand, reversing millions of dollars of "Amazing Thailand" marketing. Look at that photo, he looks like a decent, happily married guy and is a veteran to boot. This story, including the shameful Thai court verdict, will run in almost every American newspaper and news channel, ten of millions of people will hear about this. These incidents are expensive for Thailand.

    On entry, I would give every tourist a welcome card containing 24hr emergency numbers manned by competent English / Mandarin / Korean speakers. Hell, I would even offer an "Emergency Button" app that would instantly send their location to the local police.


    Yeah tourists should go somewhere safe like Tijuana, or Cancun, maybe Bulgaria or hey any large british town centre on a Friday or saturday night.

    For a place that is so unsafe that so many have VOLUNTARILY moved to the denigration and criticism by these 'guests' is bewildering.

    The fogey brigade believe that by buying a house and living cheaply in a developing country that they are deserving of special treatment, because they are white round eyes.

    Nouveau colonialists 

    • Sad 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Two good things came out about Trump during his press conference.


    1. He oversaw the operation to take out the most evil man in the Middle East.


    2. His honesty. Had no compunctions about admitting that it's all about the oil. He isn't withdrawing all troups from Syrtia, he's leaving a contingent to guard the Syrian oilfields as he now claims that they belong to the US and that the US will make many billions from the oil. Went on at length to justify that claim.


    It formed a major part of the press conference, Trump continually returned to it, yet not mentioned in the OP or anywhere in this thread.


    At last an American president has admitted that the US involvement in the Middle East and the deaths of thousands of US troups are all about the oil.

    How could a draft Dodger and known coward oversee a military operation???

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  6. The USA is now the equivalent of the big bully in the school who takes money off weak kids. Very much a reflection of its leader. Someone who had, at best, a chequered education. So much so he has, (along with his tax records, converstaions at state visits with leaders like Putin) hidden them from the electorate so as to avoid scrutiny and accountability. He's a cheat and liar. This latest stunt is a cheap way a garnering a few votes with the murkier side of wall street and some of the trailer park trash that like cowardly bravado.

    Let's hope for the world's sake he has consigned to an embarrassing chapter in history next year otherwise I fear a new lee Harvey Oswald might materialize.

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  7. 5 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I would be quite happy to see changes in the rules to ensure that Thais pay for any treatment they receive in the UK and don't get free treatment like pretty much everyone else in the world.


    I know they pay nothing right now.


    I wonder how much free treatment Thais get over in Europe per year and how that figure compares to this paltry sum?

    Foreigners dont get free treatment in the uk, usa or oz unless they are part of reciprocal arrangements or have insurance. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, mercman24 said:

     FIRSTLY , what a disgusting photo, yes and 99% of the crime is done by THAIS not people on holiday and ex pats who live here. many tourists are use to late night opening in their country, and that is rubbish to say more fighting,  see then streaming out at 2 am in all the bars in bangkok, if it brings in more money for ISAN i say good job. talk about dead. i popped up to Bamngkok the weekend, i was the only guy in what use to be a busy bar. 2 am all the shutters came down. there must be a need as all the pavement bars pop up, and great atmosphere, no one fighting as one would like to make out, just people enjoying themselves



    '99% of crime by thais'

    To paraphrase vic reeves...80% of statistics are made up on the spot.

    100% for an excellent effort in demonization. 

  9. On 8/18/2019 at 9:23 AM, Sticky Wicket said:

    If you are going to advertise as a tourist destination then you are bound to have a few unwanted costs. However compared to what comes in it's a drop in the ocean.


    Also they don't advertise how dangerous the country is! 

    Most of the injuries/deaths will have been caused by a Thai or Thailand

    I just love a dollop of hyperbole

  10. 4 minutes ago, Cobby said:

    My god what a mess Thailand is in 

    do the government not realise what is happened to the tourists trade 

    Chinese do not spend in the shops

    bars restaurants massage anywhere 

    other than Chinese owned 

    Indians never spend the tightest race I have ever met if you said you would charge them 1 bht they would want to pay 1/2 bht both are no good to the average working people in Thailand 

    yes most of uk Europe America Australia want value for money 

    Thailand dose not offer that now 

    Cambodia Vietnam Philippines do

    so we all are going there 

    one day when the government wake up it will be to late 

    if there was a referendum in Thailand 

    i am sure the people will not vote to have Indian and Chinese tourists 

    Some punctuation would do the world of good to your post which I heartily disagree with.

    To summarise.. what you are saying is


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  11. 11 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    Rayong? All the "immigrants" which are not really immigrants are Burmese and Cambodian laborers. With a small number of westerners and Japanese mixed in that you'll only spot at hotels, shopping malls and Koh Samet but rarely on the streets. Very few Indians or Africans though. Hardly very "diverse" compared to America.


    Thailand should really become more diverse. We are living in a globalized world after all. National borders will eventually be dissolved, Thailand will have to accept this fact sooner or later.


    At this point, Thailand is trying to keep out immigrants and foreigners too - TM30, TM47, TM 28, jobs restricted to Thai nationals (or migrant laborers from Burma, Cambodia and Laos but closed to other foreigners), difficult to get a PR visa or citizenship, dual pricing for foreigners. None of these things exist in America, the land of freedom and opportunity for all. If they did, foreigners would cry "racist" all day long, but it's "business as usual" in Thailand. The wall is not going to keep anyone out, think before you write.


    I don't know "Fex" but your immature reaction to him when you clearly know that Thailand is far more racist than most other countries doesn't make you look any better.

    America under Trump is hardly welcoming immigrants unless they are WASPs.

    Throughout The developed world the various electorates are pushing against immigration because of perceived job losses.

    Why should thailand and thais be different?

    Because we are white?

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