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Rufus Buck

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Posts posted by Rufus Buck

  1. 16 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    I agree 100%. Now tell my neighbours, officials and such. They wonder why i scare them back and its putely because of the amount of cash ive splashed out here over the decades. I dont want special treatment but would like my family not have to be raided checking for drugs and guns or have tourist police out to check all because my inbred neighbours feel inferior and have to act like children and lie to authorities in the hopes of being booted out of the country because my neighbours think they are going to get our farming machinery, land and such. 

    Crazy but true! And no i dont have guns or drugs but thats what ive had to deal with this past year. Insane!

    Whats worse you can have video evidence and make countless police reports of fake police reports made and even the police believe us but no action is taken and this is why it doesnt change. It's embarassing to Thailand. If i was in a better financial situation i would hav3 left already. One things for sure though and that is my family stopped coming many times a year years ago because they dont feel safe.

    They'll be a lot nicer to you when you're as poor as they are. Every cloud and all that.

  2. On 11/12/2019 at 4:43 PM, H1w4yR1da said:

    Tourists don't realize Thais don't stop for Zebra crossings. Had to grab some kid by his tshirt to stop him walking into right turn traffic in Hua Hin recently.

    I've seen that as well often. Westerners automatically just believe the pedestrian has right of way at a zebra crossing and cars are expected to stop. Of course the Thais don't see it that way at all which makes zebra crossings a bit of a death trap rather than what they're supposed to be - a convenience.

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