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Everything posted by pinkbob

  1. Update: Getting a 60day onward ticket is no problem for the purpose of getting a visa.... now I have the worry of how check-in would react when they see my ticket is for 120Days..😒
  2. Gentlemen I can assure you...arr/dep travel dates are required(the stay duration then shows auto)...Flight number is required.....travel document is required. I have plenty of time before my long stay...I am in Thailand in a couple weeks, I will make enquiries while I'm there..
  3. I double checked before this reply, need to enter on the form...date of arrival/departure, length of stay automatically comes up, which in my case is 120 days....flight number...copy of travel booking confirmation...
  4. Both...when you enter flight dates its auto showing the amount of days.....I have just written to Thai embassy for clarification, there is tons of time...will let you know, thnx for your input
  5. Exactly, the application form has been updated, because I have applied before for 60 days with a 90 day flight booking, but then if I remember correctly the length of stay never showed when flight details were entered, now they do...just thought as I was typing, I could get one of these onward tickets, I've done that before too!
  6. I am currently filling in my 60 day visa application,(UK) on the form there's the question, what are my travel dates?, my dates are for 4 months Nov-Feb, the travel document is also uploaded, when I enter the dates it automatically shows up as 120 days, do they accept I can/will be extending from 60 to 120, can I expect problems from the embassy?
  7. Sorry I missed it, thank you
  8. How late did you leave it until your border run, meaning which day 88.89, 90? Who did you use, do you recommend? thnx
  9. I will be in Pattaya, UK passport, thnx
  10. Perfect replies folks, just what I needed to hear, thank you so much!
  11. So I could maybe do a few days in Cambodia and return to Thailand on day 89, then have a further 30 days? Is that correct?
  12. I plan to apply for 60day visa from embassy (UK)and then a further 30 day extension when in Thailand making 90, which I've done in the past with no problem....my question...is it possible to extend again making a total of 120 days or even more? Thank folks..
  13. What is it with some of you guys that need to nitpick a Thai ladies comment? she was being a responsible person, who knows, might well have saved someone lose a very precious sentimental item...she had already said herself about her poor English, sure her descrption needed a bit of tuning, I understood what she meant! cut her a bit of slack for goodness sake!
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