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Posts posted by Amma09

  1. 12 minutes ago, elliss said:

     Typo error , do you mean Alexandra ? , Post number 2..  I wont grouse about it .

      Welcome back.. 555



    I meant what I said. While I am able to communicate with the great Grouse, I'm not him. 


    Unfortunately as he is one good debater who is greatly missed on this forum.


    Good discussions require people who are willing to be honest of what they say. Those people are rare.

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  2. Just now, Amma09 said:

    Now why would any EU based car manufacturer wish UK to stay within EU common market?


    When UK is out, UK is really out of EU's markets. 

    The same applies to services, which are the horse of UK's fortune. 


    Why would EU allow UK to keep on spreading it's services to EU, once UK leaves the common market?


    Silly thoughts, innit.

  3. 2 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:


    There is no such company and no such poll FAKE NEWS 


    But there is ComRes and here is their latest poll 


    Base: All respondents likely to vote and expressing a voting intention (n=1,488)

    Con 30% -1
    Lab 29% +2
    LD 17% -3
    Brex 13% -
    Green 4% +1
    SNP 3% -
    UKIP 1% -
    Other 2% +1


    (% in second column relate to ComRes/Britain Elects poll on 6th September 2019)


    Sorry, but you have already lost your old timer cause. it's now time for youger people to take over.

  4. 6 hours ago, Proboscis said:

    I think that Donrald Twerp does not realize that the Bahamas is not some poverty striken country but is actually quite wealthy and well-run and does not have the sort of gang culture and violence that is the root of emigration in certain poor countries. Hence virtually no migrants to the USA.

    Both UK and USA are willing to abuse their Common wealth countries. 


    But when it comes to the times to pay back, the relationship is "complicated"


    Shame on you.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

    Boris Johnson has been softening his stance by the hour - he knows he is getting constantly outflanked and a no deal Brexit isn’t going to be happening. If at all. 


    Only one one thing matters to Boris Johnson and that’s Boris Johnson - his need to be in the papers as PM for the next three years will far outrank anything connected to Brexit ! He clearly thought or was ‘advised’ to get up on that big Brexit horse and ride into town full of misplaced bravado and make a name for himself as the people’s hero. Only he’s been made to look a rank amateur with the negotiating skills of a ferret! The EU have walked all over him by not actually doing anything. 


    Right now he he would give anything to announce that second referendum but needs to find a way to do it without looking even more a pillock. 



    Alexander is a weasel, who can be redirected to any direction, people in power wish him to go. 


  6. 50 minutes ago, whitemouse said:

    Win what, though? How is leaving biggest economic union a win?


    The only winner is Russia, weaker EU means stronger Russia. Biggest winner  in long term is China, it is easier to dictate trade terms with individual nations, next to China any European country is tiny and insignificant. 

    I agree fully with you. But the brexiteers still think they are the Winners of this mess. 


    That's important to notice.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, whitemouse said:

    Great observation! 


    Also, do brexiteers even remember WHY they wanted to leave EU in the first place? What was the point, other than crashing UK's economy? Remember, all of this was ONLY to get rid of Polish and Romanian laborers? Do you enjoy the 'control' now? Was it worth it? Do brexiteers even realize Islamists do not enter UK from EU, Pakistan is not part of EU nor Schengen. 


    At this point it seems one side simply wishes to 'win', even if winning means disaster for UK, it is almost like burning  down your own house because you no longer like the wallpaper.

    Isn't the whole point of brexit to be a winner?



  8. 6 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Maybe wise to use the same tactic as Nawalny advised his followers in Russia: smart voting. You want for sure a "REMAIN"? Vote for the only party, who will do its utmost for that: LibDem. With the British democratic system the one with the most votes per constituency get the seat, the others nothing, and with 50% +1 of the 650 seats, you have the government.

    IF.. the French already 17 Oct do not make an end to all discussions.

    Farage is indeed like Russia, his homebase. 


    Not an important factor as long as we see the larger picture. Farage, like Russia, likes to present himself as an pivotal point. 


    But fortunately we are able to see through them.


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