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Posts posted by Screaming

  1. Most of these people are students except for the paid anarchists.  They are attending university because they are not yet wise to the perils of the world. In other words, they are uneducated, gullible and maybe stupid. Many of them are also on drugs. I attended university with these same type of people protesting the Vietnam war during that time. Many of these people realized their lack of world knowledge later and changed their views and opinions. Obviously, Israel does not cater to these uneducated and mislead protestors. Right now Israel is starting their invasion of Rafah and for good reason. Thank goodness for Israel in a world gone stupid.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    As I understand it - as a mobility scooter is classified as a medical device, where there is no pavement (sidewalk) riding one on the road is  legal without the need for it to have road tax or the rider to be licensed. 


    That said - this is a grey area in Thailand, one that has not been covered in law, in much the same way 'regular electric scooters' have not been covered in law. 


    So... as its classified as a disability scooter and as there is no pavement, the presence of this disability scooter on the road at this location is no less legal than a labourer crossing the road with a cart.


    The point IMO is somewhat Moot as the SUV was 'blasting through a blind junction'....    


    The only valid point I have seen so far, in defence of the SUV driver is that the 'white lines' (which appear to denote primary and secondary roads) are a remnant of an older traffic system and have not been removed (that doesn't surprise me for Thailand). 

    But, there were no white lines 'added' to the other road to denote primary and secondary thoroughfares (roads) - thus, the roads are either of equal status, or the above comment is from Ralf that the 'The white lines are leftover from before the bypass was dual carriageway' is not true.



    BUT... IF the roads are of equal status... the point is still moot....   the 'mobility scooter' was in the middle of the junction when the SUV sped through it so it has priority unless the junction is controlled by traffic lights.



    The SUV driver was still reckless and driving dangerously. 












    "The SUV driver was still reckless and driving dangerously. " Maybe so but the bike rider was also reckless and driving dangerously by the fact that he was on a unlicensed, non-insured vehicle with no safety features such as seat belts, blinkers, bumpers and so forth. The bike rider should have had a sign located on the back of bike that said "CAUTION, DRIVING WHILE BEING STUPID, DO NOT RESUSCITATE"

    • Haha 1
  3. The Thai's care nothing for trees or the environment, its all about money to them. The walking trail along Beach Road used to be wide with tall trees and vegetation (flowers) and places to sit. Now this trail is a disaster with many pitfalls in to invite injury. When you now walk on this trail you realize that you are in a third world country and not some hyped tropical holiday destination.

  4. 23 hours ago, WhatMeWorry said:

    I have found that most of the people who have these dogs have an inferiority complex. It has something to do with being picked on when they were children for being small and boring.

    I have noticed that also, these people seem to have a chip on their shoulder and suffer from a lack of self esteem.

  5. The Land Department of Thailand is very, very corrupt. I know of a person who just submitted a petition to the National Anti-Corruption Commission of Thailand:




    This petition was concerning bribes taken by the Land Department. I would be more interested in finding out what you concern is about. I might be able to point you in the right direction. There is an NGO in Thailand that helps Thais and foreigners with problems like this.

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