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Sweet Swede

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Everything posted by Sweet Swede

  1. I remember that something similar happened 15/20 years ago in Thailand, when a radioactive recourse disappeared. Can not remember the outcome, but it was in the news for some time.
  2. He should have been jailed 2 years ago. USA is a country where most white and rich and powerful people can do almost anything without risk of jail time or other consequences of any significance. Disgusting. Capitalism at its "best".
  3. Happy to see that Chiang Rai was not listed. I have been pleased with their performance since the opened an office in Chiang Rai.
  4. Being inside the house is not a safe haven against the air pollution, it is only marginally lower than outside, even if you have a fairly good sealed house. When reading these articles they give the impression that being inside in a closed space is safe, which it is not, but it can be if you add an Air purifier, I have AP in 3 different rooms.
  5. Why so upset, you dont have to watch it or make a video of it. It was not on display on the stage.
  6. Only one answer. NO, they will not actually do anything, except trying to give the impression they are.
  7. Tuesday?For many weeks it has been EVERY day with no exception. If lucky it drops below 50 a few hours middle of the day. Normally well above 100, often exceeding 200 PM 2.5.
  8. PM2.5 Readings Still High In Some Spots In North is misleading and sugar coating the truth. It should have been stated as High in North as there is only a few spots that register anything than be called good or moderate. I have two PM 2.5 Indicators that still often have readings above 100 ut to well over 200 especially from afternoon to late morning when it normally drop below 100 micrograms. The authorities seem to totally ignore the source of the problem, so we will probably have to live with it as long as dinosaurs and a worn out dictator run the country.
  9. They are downplaying the max PM 2.5. It is significantly higher than reported in the north. I have 2 detectors that tell me that. "Fog" all day and smells like a wildfire.
  10. They never care. the Saudi Crown Prince is a murderer on line with any other criminal mob boss, which they as usual choose to neglect and instead heartfully lick his anus just to please him. They are all chickens that only serve Mammon. Lack of spine is the common approach to any misdemeanor in the world by the rich creeps that decide humanities future,.Money rules as it has been doing independent of what country we live in. China, USA and other countries there is one rule and that is that only money rules and nothing else. They can be named Communist, Capitalist and many other options, but in the end they are all followers of Mammon and totally neglect environment, health of the population and everything else that is important for humanity. Trump is the worst, but Biden is not a saviour and only marginally better.
  11. What reason for Thai people to watch this, if not for gambling and still the goverment spend millions to enable it as as a free view. Beats me.
  12. No wonder there is a lot of meth for sale. If their evidence storage is so lousy, I really wonder what "powder" is going up in flame, when they have their official drug burning.
  13. I wish they had the same concern with regards to the Beer monopoly.
  14. Excellent post by Rooster today, Probably the first time I read it thoroughly. Normally I just briefly view it, but today it felt so honest and real that viewed it all. Very good reporting. I hope you keep it up in the time that follows.????
  15. I totally agree on this, they should also enforce that offenders pay their fines and if the don't additional costs should be added until the fine is paid.
  16. I now use Lazada to do do most of my "hardware" purchases. Until now I have done +/- 400 different. A lot of the stuff I ordered I will not find in shops here and for finding not on shelf equipment Lazada is excellent. As an example: I buy green coffee beans that i I roast myself and find a great variety of beans, even imported to a very good price on Lazada. I tried Shopee but they did not accept my debit cards, so I now only use Lazada. Also payback for cancellations and defect deliveries(not many) have been uncomplicated.
  17. Totally ridiculous. Priorities for RTP should be reviewed.
  18. Living in the center of a village is my preference and choice, not because of high crime rate as I believe it is very low. But being wealthy and living isolated in a country where poverty is the norm, isolation is not advisable. Low crime rate does not mean there is no risk when you are considered wealthy and also an easy pick for burglars.
  19. This is repeat of very old and known news. Often reported and it is causing a lot of incidents and even deaths, but no real actions taken. To better this, it will be at an extremely expensive cost as hanging wires is the norm absolutely everywhere in Thailand . When they actually do it on local place, it is like removing a grain of sand from a beach.
  20. Chiang and Singhas beer monopoly must end.
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