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Posts posted by Dayley

  1. On 9/24/2019 at 6:59 PM, dimitriv said:

    A UK limited is perfect for this.

    Companies which are classified as “small” (Profits of no more than £300,000) will pay corporate taxes at the rate of 20% with a UK limited company. If I am living in Thailand, run my business from Thailand, then surely I want to keep my taxes down, similar to Thai taxes.


    On 9/24/2019 at 6:59 PM, dimitriv said:

    But you can try a retirement visa, a visa based on marriage etc

    I am only 32, so a retirement visa is a little early for me, and unfortunately I am not married (nor do I have a partner).

    I currently have a 1 year business visa and a 1 year work permit which I renew yearly. I both live and work in Thailand (working for another business also), so this is my residence now. I cannot travel to various countries as much as I would love to.

    What would you propose?


  2. As "WithMarco" said "thailand is definitely out of question, just too many hassles, taxes, and visa BS."

    Owning two companies, one in Thailand and another off-shore doesn't really solve the problem. Because a foreigner cannot own the majority of the company, and in Thailand the Director/Majority share holder MUST be Thai. So you would have to have the Thai registered company owned by your Wife (if applicable) or some random Thai resident that a lawyer has found who will do it in their name if you throw them a little money. Obviously, there is uncertainties with this. What if you and your wife split-up? Unlucky for you... your wife keeps the business. Or even worse, a random owns your business! Scary!!

    Also note, in Thailand if you have a foreigner working in your company, such as yourself, then you MUST employ 4 Thai employees also. 4 Thai's per single foreigner. 4:1. At our company we have 2 UK employees who specialise in their criteria, which means we have had to employ 8 Thai employees also. They may be low salaries, but they are soon totalling up.

    So, that would leave us with an off-shore only option in your name. This seems the better solution. However, I am wondering how this is possible. Because if there is no Thai business, then how can you receive a Thai Work Permit & Thai Business Visa that needs to be linked with a Thai business?

    I too would appreciate info on this.
    And I too have a digital agency that provide cloud web hosting, web developing, and mobile app developing mainly to UK customers, but with the odd Thai, US, and other customers.

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